a blog series on community members contributions #102

opened 2024-03-13 19:41:57 +00:00 by mik-tf · 5 comments


We could start a blog series on community members contributions.

For example, and as discussed in a call:


Since we have grants available, we could send grant to those 4 person, and invite others to contribute. Can be symbolic, 100 TFT per person. Optional. Can be one per person.

@gosam @Amanda

# Proposition We could start a blog series on community members contributions. For example, and as discussed in a call: - 1. the captain, python script for minting: https://forum.threefold.io/t/farm-earnings-data-capture-made-easy/4251 - 2. tft chat telegram buy bot display: https://t.me/threefoldbuyalert - 3. tft chat telegram dutch: https://t.me/threefoldbenelux - tft french chat: https://t.me/ThreefoldFR - liquidity pool USDC/TFT: link to pool: https://pancakeswap.finance/info/v3/pairs/0x435c88ca9f8f78ae65f70e4375c074fb51dcd58c, link to post on tg: https://t.me/threefold/42257/54308 # Grants? Since we have grants available, we could send grant to those 4 person, and invite others to contribute. Can be symbolic, 100 TFT per person. Optional. Can be one per person. @gosam @Amanda

@mik-tf I like the idea. I think if we do this more members from the community will be willing to add to the project and will want to be on the website. Let's see what @gosam has to say.

@mik-tf I like the idea. I think if we do this more members from the community will be willing to add to the project and will want to be on the website. Let's see what @gosam has to say.

So the plan is 8 blogs (in no particular order from the 2nd one onwards),

  • Introduction blog will talk about all the contributions (past & present)

  • Scott's Node status bot

  • The Captian's Python script for minting

  • TG channels for the non-English speaking community (Dutch, French, etc)

  • Liquidity pool USDC/TFT (Pool link, TG group)

  • Tft chat telegram) buy bot display

  • Farmers that are Vendors (Nelson, Robert, and if there is anyone else)

  • Robert's idea of deploying web2 workloads to get USD/fiat revenues.

We are also waiting for confirmation from Farmers if we can use their Names/TG handles in the blog and more context on their work.

So the plan is 8 blogs (in no particular order from the 2nd one onwards), - [ ] Introduction blog will talk about all the contributions (past & present) - [ ] Scott's Node status bot - [ ] [The Captian's Python script for minting](https://forum.threefold.io/t/farm-earnings-data-capture-made-easy/4251) - [ ] TG channels for the non-English speaking community ([Dutch](https://t.me/threefoldbenelux), [French](https://t.me/ThreefoldFR), etc) - [ ] Liquidity pool USDC/TFT ([Pool link](https://pancakeswap.finance/info/v3/pairs/0x435c88ca9f8f78ae65f70e4375c074fb51dcd58c), [TG group](https://t.me/threefold/42257/54308)) - [ ] [Tft chat telegram](https://t.me/threefoldbuyalert)) buy bot display - [ ] Farmers that are Vendors (Nelson, Robert, and if there is anyone else) - [ ] Robert's idea of deploying web2 workloads to get USD/fiat revenues. We are also waiting for confirmation from Farmers if we can use their Names/TG handles in the blog and more context on their work.

I'd like to revisit this one, keeping open for now.

I'd like to revisit this one, keeping open for now.
despiegk added this to the later milestone 2025-01-27 10:14:42 +00:00

I added this to the TF Content backlog as it is a good idea, but we need to align on content strategy first.

I added this to the TF Content backlog as it is a good idea, but we need to align on content strategy first.
gosam closed this issue 2025-01-29 11:53:15 +00:00

Yes clearly not a priority.

Yes clearly not a priority.
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