agree on strategy & tactics #368

opened 2025-01-27 10:24:38 +00:00 by despiegk · 3 comments

what do we already agree upon (strategy needs to align with)

  • we are grounded, focussed on what people need today (AI Agents, AI local LLM, recurring revenue, ...)
  • web4 is the vision thats why we exist, website should still be very clear about this
  • we want to sell +1000 nodes in march (will be as token which can then be use to give to a partner which will supply)
  • we will work with partners (farming pools) for security token where people will own part of a farming pool
  • the usecase we get people excited about is ai agents, local llm's, ...
  • we will make a content channel (video with tutorials) about giving practical content/education/tips to community


  • a clear small document (<3 pages), which describes what needs to be done and reflected < 22.02 in a gdoc
  • all is going to very practical actionable elements
  • the small doc is practical and focused on 22.02 and uses the info as mentioned below
  • agree with stakeholders ons strategy & deadlines for 22.02
  • Final review by Kristof & Florian

some of the questions which need answers

  • what are we for who
  • what is our product (again for who) = AI 3nodes

tactical questions

  • web4 as name
  • define our first prio's who who is e.g. investors, farmers, ...
  • is ACI the main goal of what we do, or do we position as AI Nodes maybe called GeoMind
  • when to launch TFT on
  • INCA might be wrong name, get new one

background positioning / strategy docs

## what do we already agree upon (strategy needs to align with) - [ ] we are grounded, focussed on what people need today (AI Agents, AI local LLM, recurring revenue, ...) - [ ] web4 is the vision thats why we exist, website should still be very clear about this - [ ] we want to sell +1000 nodes in march (will be as token which can then be use to give to a partner which will supply) - [ ] we will work with partners (farming pools) for security token where people will own part of a farming pool - [ ] the usecase we get people excited about is ai agents, local llm's, ... - [ ] we will make a content channel (video with tutorials) about giving practical content/education/tips to community ## checks - [ ] a clear small document (<3 pages), which describes what needs to be done and reflected < 22.02 in a gdoc - [ ] all is going to very practical actionable elements - [ ] the small doc is practical and focused on 22.02 and uses the info as mentioned below - [ ] agree with stakeholders ons strategy & deadlines for 22.02 - [ ] Final review by Kristof & Florian ## some of the questions which need answers - [ ] what are we for who - [ ] what is our product (again for who) = AI 3nodes ## tactical questions - [ ] web4 as name - [ ] define our first prio's who who is e.g. investors, farmers, ... - [ ] is ACI the main goal of what we do, or do we position as AI Nodes maybe called GeoMind - [ ] when to launch TFT on - [ ] INCA might be wrong name, get new one ## background positioning / strategy docs - [kristof short messaging]( - [marie strategy]( - [sacha agent centric strategy]( - [quentin positioning](
despiegk added the
label 2025-01-27 11:06:52 +00:00
despiegk added this to the (deleted) project 2025-01-27 11:12:08 +00:00
despiegk modified the project from (deleted) to tfgrid_comms 2025-01-27 11:12:27 +00:00
gosam added this to the now milestone 2025-01-28 16:30:44 +00:00

Hello everyone, here's the document for the Strategy for everyone to review:


Hello everyone, here's the document for the Strategy for everyone to review: @despiegk
marie-threefold was assigned by despiegk 2025-02-06 11:05:00 +00:00
despiegk added the due date 2025-02-08 2025-02-06 11:18:09 +00:00
marionrvrn was assigned by despiegk 2025-02-06 11:18:47 +00:00
marionrvrn was unassigned by despiegk 2025-02-06 11:19:00 +00:00
despiegk modified the project from tfgrid_comms to launch_22_2 2025-02-06 12:20:31 +00:00

sacha his content went to
lets check what is there

update: would not be bad to focus on an AI box, could be called GeoMind

sacha his content went to lets check what is there update: would not be bad to focus on an AI box, could be called GeoMind

Hello everyone - I've revised the document, updated from today's conversation. Everyone is welcome to check it @despiegk @Florian we can review it together

Hello everyone - I've revised the document, updated from today's conversation. Everyone is welcome to check it @despiegk @Florian we can review it together
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Reference: tfgrid/circle_22_2#368
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