GEP: Restricted Network Traffic #103

opened 2024-10-07 12:59:19 +00:00 by mik-tf · 1 comment


  • We need to increase security on network traffic


  • default whitelisted outgoing web traffic which means VM's can only go to whitelisted services (https) and web domains (can be with filter e.g. *, this to make sure people cannot use our VM's for e.g. hacking
    • can be turned off by farmer)
    • not turned on for certified farms
  • the whitelists for outgoing traffic come from a github repo which is signed by us, this gets reloaded every hour


  • Check if feasible to do, if it is then:
  • The comms circle will make
    • forum post discussing this to community
    • write GEP to be passed
  • Then ops can create the GEP
  • Once the GEP is passed, we can implement it


# Situation - We need to increase security on network traffic # Specs - default whitelisted outgoing web traffic which means VM's can only go to whitelisted services (https) and web domains (can be with filter e.g. *, this to make sure people cannot use our VM's for e.g. hacking - can be turned off by farmer) - not turned on for certified farms - the whitelists for outgoing traffic come from a github repo which is signed by us, this gets reloaded every hour # TODO - Check if feasible to do, if it is then: - The comms circle will make - forum post discussing this to community - write GEP to be passed - Then ops can create the GEP - Once the GEP is passed, we can implement it # References - Main issue with tech aspect:
mik-tf added the
label 2024-10-07 12:59:19 +00:00
mik-tf added this to the tfgrid_3_15 project 2024-10-07 12:59:19 +00:00
mik-tf modified the project from tfgrid_3_15 to tfgrid_3_17 2024-10-24 14:30:55 +00:00


# Update - Moved this issue along with this one ( to 3.16
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Reference: tfgrid/circle_product_management#103
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