KYC / T&C #12

opened 2024-03-13 15:47:47 +00:00 by despiegk · 4 comments
  • Should calculate the total spending using grid proxy
  • This spending should be only for the main app wallet(the other added wallets shouldn't be included)
  • If the spending exceeds the value defined(better to add it to flagsimth), it should enable the kyc verification on the identity tab.
  • The identity verification data is stored in the kyc and pkid services
  • Try to restore the verification data from pkid or kyc service using the tfchain derived secret. But if that didn't work, we can store the verification ID in the user's metadata on tfchain to get the verification data later from the dashboard.


  • implement KYC (in tfconnect or website for now)
  • agree on partner to be used
  • make sure dashboard requires people to do KYC if farmer
  • complete...



  • every farmer needs to be KYC'd
  • every farmer needs to give us email address & sms, and we check
  • every farmer needs to sign T&C, which says farming stops 1billion (excluding tokens still on rivine)


  • all do email & sms & T&C
  • if +1000 USD per month, then same as above

- Should calculate the total spending using grid proxy - This spending should be only for the main app wallet(the other added wallets shouldn't be included) - If the spending exceeds the value defined(better to add it to flagsimth), it should enable the kyc verification on the identity tab. - The identity verification data is stored in the kyc and pkid services - Try to restore the verification data from pkid or kyc service using the tfchain derived secret. But if that didn't work, we can store the verification ID in the user's metadata on tfchain to get the verification data later from the dashboard. # requirements - [ ] implement KYC (in tfconnect or website for now) - [ ] agree on partner to be used - [ ] make sure dashboard requires people to do KYC if farmer - complete... # Background ## why - every farmer needs to be KYC'd - every farmer needs to give us email address & sms, and we check - every farmer needs to sign T&C, which says farming stops 1billion (excluding tokens still on rivine) ## users - all do email & sms & T&C - if +1000 USD per month, then same as above
despiegk added this to the (deleted) project 2024-03-13 15:47:47 +00:00
despiegk added the
label 2024-03-21 07:44:11 +00:00

What is available on threefold_connect (based on shufti pro)

CIVIC story is also in progress

What is available on threefold_connect (based on shufti pro) CIVIC story is also in progress

civic not needed if shufti pro works, we need registration TFChain so people can see that we have verification,

  • does shufti pro let us see email addr & tel nr?
civic not needed if shufti pro works, we need registration TFChain so people can see that we have verification, - does shufti pro let us see email addr & tel nr?
despiegk modified the project from (deleted) to tfgrid_3_14 2024-05-22 07:56:24 +00:00

what is status, see also story tfconnect
can we see email addr, telnr, ... how can we verify user was kyc'ed

what is status, see also story tfconnect can we see email addr, telnr, ... how can we verify user was kyc'ed
thabeta modified the project from tfgrid_3_14 to tfgrid_3_17 2024-06-02 07:13:16 +00:00

KYC is in place for users, and for the farmers they will be pushed to use the phone more

KYC is in place for users, and for the farmers they will be pushed to use the phone more
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Reference: tfgrid/circle_product_management#12
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