ZOS V4 Boot Infrastructure #120

opened 2024-11-01 14:45:02 +00:00 by mik-tf · 5 comments

closed in favor of tfgrid/circle_engineering#158


  • Deploy/Create everything needed to let farmers boot their ZOS4 nodes in development mode


  • ZOS4 P = ZOS 4 in Production Mode
  • ZOS4 D = ZOS 4 in Development Mode



  • Docker way to deploy TFHub, and get required components for people to host their own ZOS 4 Hub
  • Build the 2 versions of ZOS 4 automated


  • Kernel = 6.6 (LTS version)
  • Included in Production Release
    • Busybox + some linux tools (btrfs, bcachefs, curl, ...)
  • Included in Debug & Dev Release
    • Add SSH Server, openssh
  • Use mycelium as base which has default config (some with DNS names)
  • No TFChain
  • When mycelium starts, there is code retrying till we found connection, there are 3 IPV6 addresses (dns names) which host a simple rest service on top of mycelium, we post an I Exist message, we announce ourselves every 5 min


  • I think @coesensb will be able to help here as it's implemented in grid_deployment
closed in favor of https://git.ourworld.tf/tfgrid/circle_engineering/issues/158 # Goal - Deploy/Create everything needed to let farmers boot their ZOS4 nodes in development mode - ## Definitions - ZOS4 P = ZOS 4 in Production Mode - ZOS4 D = ZOS 4 in Development Mode # References - For V3, we currently have this: https://github.com/threefoldtech/grid_deployment/tree/development/grid-hub # Deliverables - Docker way to deploy TFHub, and get required components for people to host their own ZOS 4 Hub - Build the 2 versions of ZOS 4 automated ## Requirements - Kernel = 6.6 (LTS version) - Included in Production Release - Busybox + some linux tools (btrfs, bcachefs, curl, ...) - Included in Debug & Dev Release - Add SSH Server, openssh - Use mycelium as base which has default config (some with DNS names) - No TFChain - When mycelium starts, there is code retrying till we found connection, there are 3 IPV6 addresses (dns names) which host a simple rest service on top of mycelium, we post an I Exist message, we announce ourselves every 5 min # Notes - I think @coesensb will be able to help here as it's implemented in grid_deployment
mik-tf added this to the ThreeFold V4 project 2024-11-01 14:45:02 +00:00
sabrinasadik was assigned by mik-tf 2024-11-01 14:46:54 +00:00
mik-tf added the
label 2024-11-01 14:51:17 +00:00
despiegk changed title from Deploy ZOS V4 Boot Generator to ZOS V4 Boot Infrastructure 2024-11-08 07:46:34 +00:00
mik-tf modified the project from ThreeFold V4 to tfgrid_4_0 2024-12-16 18:36:03 +00:00

@sabrinasadik @maxux @thabeta

Can we meet next week to discuss how to go forward with this? Ideally we go quickly and we have something working within the end of the month. Thanks!

EDIT: Ideally we can all meet, Thabet can lead zos v4 + node project and we can set a realistic agile/lean ETA to deliver early Q1 some workable version for the node selling partners.

@sabrinasadik @maxux @thabeta Can we meet next week to discuss how to go forward with this? Ideally we go quickly and we have something working within the end of the month. Thanks! EDIT: Ideally we can all meet, Thabet can lead zos v4 + node project and we can set a realistic agile/lean ETA to deliver early Q1 some workable version for the node selling partners.

and me

and me


  • Jan, Sabrina, Thabet and Maxime met to move Zos v4 forward
  • Should be done by end of the month, but Maxime aims to have it done earlier
    • This is important as Robert and Nelson sold nodes and buyers are waiting to receive the nodes.
# Update - Jan, Sabrina, Thabet and Maxime met to move Zos v4 forward - Should be done by end of the month, but Maxime aims to have it done earlier - This is important as Robert and Nelson sold nodes and buyers are waiting to receive the nodes.

closed in favor of this tfgrid/circle_engineering#158

closed in favor of this https://git.ourworld.tf/tfgrid/circle_engineering/issues/158

Thanks Thabet for leading this! :D

Thanks Thabet for leading this! :D
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Reference: tfgrid/circle_product_management#120
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