TF V4 Specs #123

opened 2024-11-01 16:40:07 +00:00 by mik-tf · 4 comments

TF V4 Specs

The following is an overview of the ThreeFold V4 project, its specs, TODO and ETA:

  • V4 Project
    • ETA
      • 18 Nov 2024: Manufacturers to set up the nodes and put on website
      • 18 Jan 2025: TF to create the ZOS V4 boot generator website + telegram bot for certified boot image key
      • 18 Jan 2025: Define farming pools procs and docs
      • 30 Jan 2025: Farming pool registrations done for Farming pool admin, start to take farmers+nodes in the farming pool
  • INCA Token
    • Starts at 0.1 EUR
    • At the start. it won't be possible to buy/sell INCA tokens
    • At the start, it won't be possible to swap TFT to INCA
  • V4 Nodes
    • Only certified nodes on the grid
    • V3 node migration only possible for certified nodes (not DIY node)
  • Nodes
    • Manufacturers decide on hardware details, as long as TF constraints are followed
    • TF constraints + license fees
      • 200 CPU passmark per GB of Memory
      • 1TB SSD minimum
        • prefer 2x1TB for RAID, but OK 1TB or 1x2TB for small nodes
    • Min 16GB of mem
    • DDR5 preferred, not enforced
  • Farming rewards (capacity + utilization)
    • Specs
      • 31.5INCA/MONTH TB SSD
      • 8INCA/MONTH GB Memory
    • Locked for 24 months or 40% utilization over 1 month
    • 12 months are activation of node on grid, reward unlocking release distribution begins
    • Distributed in the app wallet
    • The total rewards are defined by the monthly INCA rewards for 18 months
    • Utilization reward
      • Distributed to TFChain wallet
      • Utilization Rewards distribution
        • 60% farmers
        • 20% farming pool
        • 20% ThreeFold, Guardians, validators
    • Capacity reward
      • Distributed to Solana wallet (if we go with Solana)
  • Node utilization
    • For the first 12 months, only TF can deploy on the nodes
    • After 12 months, anyone can buy resources and deploy on the nodes
    • Reason:
      • We have partners that need HA + SLA nodes to deploy on
    • For personal use of the node, users can use V3 nodes or wait 12 months for V4 to be possible to deploy by anyone
  • Farming pool
    • Tasks
      • Define SLA's, T&C's, Customer Onboarding, ...
      • Support (replace broken nodes)
      • Management infrastructure (monitoring, billing, ...)
      • Sales of The Nodes (or work with vendor(s))
      • Communication with the Farmers in the Pool
      • Price Definition (define sales prices of the slices)
    • Farming pool
      • Every V4 node needs to be in a farming pool
      • Implementation details to be defined
  • INCA specs
    • Starts at 0.1EUR
    • Can't be bought/sold/swap for 24 months or 40% of utilization
# TF V4 Specs The following is an overview of the ThreeFold V4 project, its specs, TODO and ETA: - V4 Project - ETA - 18 Nov 2024: Manufacturers to set up the nodes and put on website - 18 Jan 2025: TF to create the ZOS V4 boot generator website + telegram bot for certified boot image key - 18 Jan 2025: Define farming pools procs and docs - 30 Jan 2025: Farming pool registrations done for Farming pool admin, start to take farmers+nodes in the farming pool - INCA Token - Starts at 0.1 EUR - At the start. it won't be possible to buy/sell INCA tokens - At the start, it won't be possible to swap TFT to INCA - V4 Nodes - Only certified nodes on the grid - V3 node migration only possible for certified nodes (not DIY node) - Nodes - Manufacturers decide on hardware details, as long as TF constraints are followed - TF constraints + license fees - 200 CPU passmark per GB of Memory - 1TB SSD minimum - prefer 2x1TB for RAID, but OK 1TB or 1x2TB for small nodes - Min 16GB of mem - DDR5 preferred, not enforced - Farming rewards (capacity + utilization) - Specs - 31.5INCA/MONTH TB SSD - 8INCA/MONTH GB Memory - 7INCA/MONTH TB HDD - X INCA/MONTH GB GPU - Locked for 24 months or 40% utilization over 1 month - 12 months are activation of node on grid, reward unlocking release distribution begins - Distributed in the app wallet - The total rewards are defined by the monthly INCA rewards for 18 months - Utilization reward - Distributed to TFChain wallet - Utilization Rewards distribution - 60% farmers - 20% farming pool - 20% ThreeFold, Guardians, validators - Capacity reward - Distributed to Solana wallet (if we go with Solana) - Node utilization - For the first 12 months, only TF can deploy on the nodes - After 12 months, anyone can buy resources and deploy on the nodes - Reason: - We have partners that need HA + SLA nodes to deploy on - For personal use of the node, users can use V3 nodes or wait 12 months for V4 to be possible to deploy by anyone - Farming pool - Tasks - Define SLA's, T&C's, Customer Onboarding, ... - Support (replace broken nodes) - Management infrastructure (monitoring, billing, ...) - Sales of The Nodes (or work with vendor(s)) - Communication with the Farmers in the Pool - Price Definition (define sales prices of the slices) - Farming pool - Every V4 node needs to be in a farming pool - Implementation details to be defined - INCA specs - Starts at 0.1EUR - Can't be bought/sold/swap for 24 months or 40% of utilization
mik-tf added this to the ThreeFold V4 project 2024-11-01 16:40:07 +00:00
mik-tf added the
label 2024-11-01 16:40:15 +00:00
mik-tf modified the project from ThreeFold V4 to tfgrid_4_0 2024-12-16 18:35:41 +00:00


Rewards for GPU per GB does not make sense. For example, the 3090 and 4090 have the same ram. Either cores, TFLOPs, or straight model number. There are so few model this could work. Also a minimum spec, there is no reason to have anything older than 3000 series receive any compensation.

"X INCA/MONTH GB GPU" Rewards for GPU per GB does not make sense. For example, the 3090 and 4090 have the same ram. Either cores, TFLOPs, or straight model number. There are so few model this could work. Also a minimum spec, there is no reason to have anything older than 3000 series receive any compensation.

I agree. Which one should we go for of the 3 options?

TFLOPS might be more universal/easier to scale.

I agree we could also just have given return per specific model since there are few relevant models

I agree. Which one should we go for of the 3 options? TFLOPS might be more universal/easier to scale. I agree we could also just have given return per specific model since there are few relevant models
mik-tf reopened this issue 2024-12-23 02:43:10 +00:00

this story is not getting there,
we didn't follow up

we need to close on it and finish, so we have specs for multiple version

this story is not getting there, we didn't follow up we need to close on it and finish, so we have specs for multiple version
despiegk self-assigned this 2025-02-21 06:31:36 +00:00

We started to test v4 nodes so at least we are not going backward. I agree we need to complete it properly and quickly

We started to test v4 nodes so at least we are not going backward. I agree we need to complete it properly and quickly
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Reference: tfgrid/circle_product_management#123
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