3.16 Grid Release Timeline #126

opened 2024-11-04 18:50:15 +00:00 by mik-tf · 3 comments

3.16 Grid Release Timeline

We provide the overall guideline for 3.16 grid release. Making sure all those steps are done in order will ensure the 3.16 grid release is done efficiently.

  • Stakeholders meet and define the grid release specs
  • Specs are turned into stories in a grid release project kanban
  • Stakeholders confirm the stories as fulfilling the specs and grid release goals (with Grid+stories ETA)
    • Make sure not to add stories in the middle of the sprint
      • If there is a need, it needs to be agreed upon
  • Comms circles write a forum post explaining the specs of the grid release, preparing community members to the grid release GEP
  • Stories are worked on and completed
  • When a grid release project is completed (all stories are completed)
    • Stakeholders meet and review the stories, confirming they are correctly done
    • A post summarizing the GEP is posted on the forum, written by Ops (Sabrina)
  • When the GEP is passed, devs and ops implement the new features of the grid (e.g. publish to all networks)
  • Comms circle communicate with the community that the grid release is done
# 3.16 Grid Release Timeline We provide the overall guideline for 3.16 grid release. Making sure all those steps are done in order will ensure the 3.16 grid release is done efficiently. - [x] Stakeholders meet and define the grid release specs - [x] Specs are turned into stories in a grid release project kanban - [x] Stakeholders confirm the stories as fulfilling the specs and grid release goals (with Grid+stories ETA) - Make sure not to add stories in the middle of the sprint - If there is a need, it needs to be agreed upon - [ ] Comms circles write a forum post explaining the specs of the grid release, preparing community members to the grid release GEP - [ ] Stories are worked on and completed - When a grid release project is completed (all stories are completed) - [ ] Stakeholders meet and review the stories, confirming they are correctly done - [ ] A post summarizing the GEP is posted on the forum, written by Ops (Sabrina) - [ ] When the GEP is passed, devs and ops implement the new features of the grid (e.g. publish to all networks) - [ ] Comms circle communicate with the community that the grid release is done
mik-tf added the
label 2024-11-04 18:50:15 +00:00
mik-tf added this to the tfgrid_3_16 project 2024-11-04 18:50:15 +00:00
mik-tf self-assigned this 2024-12-31 16:57:06 +00:00


  • All the stories have owners now
  • TODO
    • next stakeholders meeting, go through 3.16 board and confirm everything
    • then comms will write a 3.16 forum post as explained above
# Update - All the stories have owners now - TODO - next stakeholders meeting, go through 3.16 board and confirm everything - then comms will write a 3.16 forum post as explained above


  • We are waiting for more info on how to properly announce the 3.16 features before writing something on the comms side (forum post, blog, etc.)
  • Will update this next week, we should have a clear direction to announce 3.16 properly
  • We want to make sure the bridge is properly announced
# Update - We are waiting for more info on how to properly announce the 3.16 features before writing something on the comms side (forum post, blog, etc.) - Will update this next week, we should have a clear direction to announce 3.16 properly - We want to make sure the bridge is properly announced
despiegk removed this from the tfgrid_3_16 project 2025-02-27 15:02:37 +00:00

this is not a story needs to be rewritten

this is not a story needs to be rewritten
despiegk added this to the next milestone 2025-02-27 15:02:58 +00:00
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Reference: tfgrid/circle_product_management#126
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