Smart Filtering Network Nodes #129

opened 2024-11-04 19:35:36 +00:00 by mik-tf · 4 comments


  • We want to add smart filtering of the node network


  • HTTP(S) traffic out is allowed, but in v 3.16 we will track the connections for 1 month.
  • Block all other traffic (non-HTTP)


  • We need to redefine this, it's not clear what can be done efficiently
    • Jan will make research on this, then come up with specs to make this work
    • Jan will discuss with @despiegk


  • As defined in the last meeting
## Situation - We want to add smart filtering of the node network ## Requirements - HTTP(S) traffic out is allowed, but in v 3.16 we will track the connections for 1 month. - Block all other traffic (non-HTTP) ## Update - We need to redefine this, it's not clear what can be done efficiently - Jan will make research on this, then come up with specs to make this work - Jan will discuss with @despiegk ## References - As defined in the last meeting
mik-tf added the
label 2024-11-04 19:35:36 +00:00
delandtj was assigned by mik-tf 2024-11-04 19:35:36 +00:00
mik-tf added this to the tfgrid_3_15 project 2024-11-04 19:35:36 +00:00
mik-tf added the due date 2024-11-15 2024-11-05 03:07:02 +00:00

@delandtj I set due date to 24-11-15, feel free to adjust as you see fit.

@delandtj I set due date to 24-11-15, feel free to adjust as you see fit.

@thabeta @sabrinasadik please check if this specs is OK thanks.

@thabeta @sabrinasadik please check if this specs is OK thanks.
mik-tf modified the project from tfgrid_3_15 to tfgrid_3_16 2024-11-18 15:23:00 +00:00
sabrinasadik was assigned by thabeta 2024-12-31 13:54:44 +00:00
delandtj was unassigned by thabeta 2024-12-31 13:55:19 +00:00

@sabrinasadik I assigned you instead of Jan. Jan and Omar can execute the story after Jan is done with the Specs

@sabrinasadik I assigned you instead of Jan. Jan and Omar can execute the story after Jan is done with the Specs

Happy to help anyway I can.

Happy to help anyway I can.
thabeta removed this from the tfgrid_3_16 project 2025-01-27 12:32:54 +00:00
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Reference: tfgrid/circle_product_management#129
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