Gateway support for zoslight nodes #133

opened 2024-11-04 19:56:39 +00:00 by mik-tf · 6 comments


Continuation of : tfgrid/circle_engineering#82 for the gateways support


  • Same behavior of exposing and endpoint through zoslight gateway nodes
  • Recommend the nearest gateway for the workload
## Description Continuation of : for the gateways support ## Deliverables - Same behavior of exposing and endpoint through zoslight gateway nodes - Recommend the nearest gateway for the workload
mik-tf added the
label 2024-11-04 19:56:39 +00:00
thabeta was assigned by mik-tf 2024-11-04 19:56:39 +00:00
mik-tf added this to the tfgrid_3_16 project 2024-11-04 19:56:39 +00:00

dont understand this, having a webgateway already exists, this should keep being possible,
we should indeed maybe make it more easy for a user to chose a webgw which is closest to where the workload is e.g. on same machine, but I dont understand the story

dont understand this, having a webgateway already exists, this should keep being possible, we should indeed maybe make it more easy for a user to chose a webgw which is closest to where the workload is e.g. on same machine, but I dont understand the story

The original story was this one: tfgrid/circle_engineering#82

I simply put the 2 components that were not done on #82.

@thabeta maybe you can add info on this so we can make sure the story is clear? Thanks.

The original story was this one: I simply put the 2 components that were not done on #82. @thabeta maybe you can add info on this so we can make sure the story is clear? Thanks.

ticket updated

Due date and assignees can happen from the ticket sidebar

ticket updated Due date and assignees can happen from the ticket sidebar
thabeta changed title from ZOZ NetworkD Light - UI Dashboard and Given DNS Names to Gateway support for zoslight nodes 2024-11-07 10:52:52 +00:00

Thanks Thabet! If you have a good idea of a reasonable due date, please add it on the sidebar. Otherwise, we can discuss this in a future meeting.

Thanks Thabet! If you have a good idea of a reasonable due date, please add it on the sidebar. Otherwise, we can discuss this in a future meeting.
PR pending review
thabeta added the due date 2024-12-03 2024-12-02 11:52:06 +00:00

Already avaialble on devnet/qanet

Already avaialble on devnet/qanet
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3 Participants
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Reference: tfgrid/circle_product_management#133
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