Detailed Depin ProjectMatrix #157

opened 2025-01-02 06:36:39 +00:00 by thabeta · 8 comments


A project matrix of every project in the depin realm


project matrix should cover

  • usability of the project
  • entry barrier
  • their infrastructure (do they own it or do they use centralized services, .. etc)
  • ...


  • A sheet that has the requirements above


  • Updates on the story
## Description A project matrix of every project in the depin realm ## Requirements project matrix should cover - usability of the project - entry barrier - their infrastructure (do they own it or do they use centralized services, .. etc) - ... ## Deliverables - A sheet that has the requirements above ## Updates - Updates on the story
mik-tf was assigned by thabeta 2025-01-02 06:36:46 +00:00
thabeta added the
label 2025-01-02 06:36:50 +00:00
thabeta added this to the tfgrid_3_16 project 2025-01-02 06:36:56 +00:00
mik-tf added the due date 2025-01-16 2025-01-02 17:58:22 +00:00


  • Good! Will check this
  • Once this is done, we can turn the info we found into an ebook to share online, as Kristof asked.
  • Will try to do this within the next 2 weeks, I set a clear ETA
# Update - Good! Will check this - Once this is done, we can turn the info we found into an ebook to share online, as Kristof asked. - Related issue: - Will try to do this within the next 2 weeks, I set a clear ETA


# Update - draft version made with AI deepseek, unlisted on forum: - TODO - Check all specs/columns and adjust as needed - Double-check info/review by AI with authentic intelligence



  • Lots of depin projects covered, but can't cover everything.
  • Didn't set a column usability as it's subjective, we decided to go with objective specs
# Update - Blockchain matrix: - Depin matrices: # Notes - Lots of depin projects covered, but can't cover everything. - Didn't set a column usability as it's subjective, we decided to go with objective specs


  • We have the basic depin matrix with a limited set of data
  • We posted on the forum and wait for community engagement
  • How to could go forward with this depin matrix:
    • DePIN Board:
    • UX: provide a website where people can see the DePIN matrices
    • Data: we gather data and improve the content based on feedback and research
    • Management: We manage via git, everything FOSS and open to public
  • Format: can be as simple as a docusaurus website hosted on to start with, e.g.
# Update - We have the basic depin matrix with a limited set of data - We posted on the forum and wait for community engagement - How to could go forward with this depin matrix: - DePIN Board: - UX: provide a website where people can see the DePIN matrices - Data: we gather data and improve the content based on feedback and research - Management: We manage via git, everything FOSS and open to public - Format: can be as simple as a docusaurus website hosted on to start with, e.g.
mik-tf reopened this issue 2025-01-06 20:07:20 +00:00



  • Update website with more features and info on projects

Specs to Add

  • Add parameters in matrix format or text format
    • is there a currency
    • how can we buy currency
    • what can we do with currency
    • can we automate it
    • is there utility we can buy
    • is there an api
    • from user, perspective, how does it work, what can we do
      • e.g. this project we can
        • buy storage
          • storage is by gib, terabyte, etc.
        • is there api
        • can I convert token automatically
        • can we stake/do we have to stake
    • todo find the right partners
  • narrative of ThreeFold DePIN Board
    • return to planet and people
      • instead of return of investment
    • we put ROI, etc. all data
      • but we put emphasis on return to planet and people
    • Idea: We do this kind of board, but instead of revenue focus, we present all the data of the projects in matrix and we focus on return to humanity (instead of return on investment), how much the depin project returns to planet and people!

Notes for Future Improvements

  • frontend/backend
    • docusaurus basic website hosted on
      • as a started
    • ThreeFold DePIN Board
      • ultimate format
        • interactive filters
        • nice board with overview of all specs
        • e.g. by category of project, by boolean staking option, by marketcap, etc.
      • basic version
        • nice board with overview of all specs
        • by category of project
        • see current docusaurus depin website
      • Links
        • Users can click on links within the board, e.g. how to stake docs, how to buy currency, etc.
  • References/inspiration for later phase if we ever go there
# Update - Now on a website: - repo: # TODO - Update website with more features and info on projects # Specs to Add - Add parameters in matrix format or text format - is there a currency - how can we buy currency - what can we do with currency - can we automate it - is there utility we can buy - is there an api - from user, perspective, how does it work, what can we do - e.g. this project we can - buy storage - storage is by gib, terabyte, etc. - is there api - can I convert token automatically - can we stake/do we have to stake - todo find the right partners - narrative of ThreeFold DePIN Board - return to planet and people - instead of return of investment - we put ROI, etc. all data - but we put emphasis on return to planet and people - Idea: We do this kind of board, but instead of revenue focus, we present all the data of the projects in matrix and we focus on return to humanity (instead of return on investment), how much the depin project returns to planet and people! # Notes for Future Improvements - frontend/backend - docusaurus basic website hosted on - as a started - ThreeFold DePIN Board - ultimate format - interactive filters - nice board with overview of all specs - e.g. by category of project, by boolean staking option, by marketcap, etc. - basic version - nice board with overview of all specs - by category of project - see current docusaurus depin website - Links - Users can click on links within the board, e.g. how to stake docs, how to buy currency, etc. - References/inspiration for later phase if we ever go there - depin ninja board -


  • added individual pages for each project with the specs above


  • Revise all content


# update - added individual pages for each project with the specs above # TODO - Revise all content # Links: - main: - dev:


  • Checked the website with Kristof
  • We will keep the 45 specs sheet
    • TODO:
      • revise all the content, state clearly it's a WIP and tell people they can make issues/PR if things should be update (on a best effort basis, no financial advice, educational purpose only, it's already there but we need to make it very clear)
      • add detailed pages on 3-4 projects (golem, dfinity, 2 others?)
# Update - Checked the website with Kristof - We will keep the 45 specs sheet - TODO: - revise all the content, state clearly it's a WIP and tell people they can make issues/PR if things should be update (on a best effort basis, no financial advice, educational purpose only, it's already there but we need to make it very clear) - add detailed pages on 3-4 projects (golem, dfinity, 2 others?)


  • The links of all depin projects have been checked and updated on the staging and production websites
  • We will leave it as is for now
  • If we get feedback from users, we can update the content, but for now it is sufficient
# Update - The links of all depin projects have been checked and updated on the staging and production websites - We will leave it as is for now - If we get feedback from users, we can update the content, but for now it is sufficient
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Reference: tfgrid/circle_product_management#157
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