Farming staking vault and farming collateral #41

opened 2024-04-30 12:37:13 +00:00 by mik-tf · 2 comments


  1. The equivalent of X months (TBD, propositions so far: between 2 and 6 months) of farming per node is kept as collateral in a farmed TFT staking vault.
    2. Any TFT more than X-month worth of farming per node is available to unstake given a 5 days cooldown period
    3. TFT in farmed TFT staking vault with the min X-months of farming collateral are eligible to vote for the DAO
    4. TFT farmed in TFT staking vault have 1.2 DAO voting power per TFT
    5. A farmer can unstake all TFT (with the 2-month collateral) given a cooldown period of 10 days.
    1. Once they removed all collateral
      1. They do not farm any more POC rewards. They can still farm POU rewards.
      2. They cannot vote on the DAO, i.e. TFT is removed from the farming TFT staking vault.
    2. If a farmer unstake TFT in a farmed TFT staking vault, the only way to stake it is to put the TFT in a public TFT vault (see below)
      1. This means that farmed TFT staking vault contains TFT that has been minted and then used for TF DAO process only!


Part of the community brainstorm to improve the 3.0 decentralized grid.

# Proposition 1. The equivalent of X months (TBD, propositions so far: between 2 and 6 months) of farming per node is kept as collateral in a farmed TFT staking vault. 2. Any TFT more than X-month worth of farming per node is available to unstake given a 5 days cooldown period 3. TFT in farmed TFT staking vault with the min X-months of farming collateral are eligible to vote for the DAO 4. TFT farmed in TFT staking vault have 1.2 DAO voting power per TFT 5. A farmer can unstake all TFT (with the 2-month collateral) given a cooldown period of 10 days. 1. Once they removed all collateral 1. They do not farm any more POC rewards. They can still farm POU rewards. 2. They cannot vote on the DAO, i.e. TFT is removed from the farming TFT staking vault. 6. If a farmer unstake TFT in a farmed TFT staking vault, the only way to stake it is to put the TFT in a public TFT vault (see below) 1. This means that farmed TFT staking vault contains TFT that has been minted and then used for TF DAO process only! # References Part of the community brainstorm to improve the 3.0 decentralized grid.
mik-tf added this to the (deleted) project 2024-04-30 12:37:13 +00:00
despiegk removed this from the (deleted) project 2024-05-22 07:36:51 +00:00
  • please note v4.0 will be utilization based, an rewards will be added as extra
  • once we hit 1 billion TFT, farming as we know it will stop
  • question is, in line to above should we put effort in this or faster push 4.x?
- please note v4.0 will be utilization based, an rewards will be added as extra - once we hit 1 billion TFT, farming as we know it will stop - question is, in line to above should we put effort in this or faster push 4.x?
despiegk added this to the later milestone 2024-05-22 07:39:13 +00:00
despiegk added the
label 2024-05-22 07:51:02 +00:00

Moved. See above.

Moved. See above.
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Reference: tfgrid/circle_product_management#41
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