rfs & zos improvements #59

opened 2024-05-17 07:10:56 +00:00 by despiegk · 3 comments
  • support compression of flist (choose a strong one)
  • rfs: add cmd to change source of data (so flist points to e,g, data on S3 but was built on FS)
  • rfs: copy one location e.g. dir to other location e.g.s3
  • rfs: multithreads (or coroutines) when building flist or when copying, so we get 10x speed
  • rfs: support super simple http on top of the DIR (so can be like https://[ipv6]/myflista/a/bdjfhadfhjgiadhfgjb)
  • rfs: make DIR 2 levels, now too many files in 1 dir, this makes it slow if too many flists, e.g. first byte is subdir
    • make sure rfs suppors old and new model (2 dirs, 1 dir, so it can mount both based on this option as specified in flist)
  • rfs: merge 2 flists
  • make sure ZOS can use mycelium addresses as backend for S3, HTTP, Flist location...
- support compression of flist (choose a strong one) - rfs: add cmd to change source of data (so flist points to e,g, data on S3 but was built on FS) - rfs: copy one location e.g. dir to other location e.g.s3 - rfs: multithreads (or coroutines) when building flist or when copying, so we get 10x speed - rfs: support super simple http on top of the DIR (so can be like https://[ipv6]/myflista/a/bdjfhadfhjgiadhfgjb) - rfs: make DIR 2 levels, now too many files in 1 dir, this makes it slow if too many flists, e.g. first byte is subdir - make sure rfs suppors old and new model (2 dirs, 1 dir, so it can mount both based on this option as specified in flist) - rfs: merge 2 flists - make sure ZOS can use mycelium addresses as backend for S3, HTTP, Flist location...
despiegk added this to the (deleted) project 2024-05-17 08:05:45 +00:00
despiegk added the
label 2024-05-17 08:05:51 +00:00

maybe not all should be in 3.14, but at least the ZOS integration with Mycelium so we can use the new format from people who host their flist and content on mycelium enabled location

maybe not all should be in 3.14, but at least the ZOS integration with Mycelium so we can use the new format from people who host their flist and content on mycelium enabled location

the file handling is being done in V so we can probably delay that, but what we need urgently is the ZOS support for mycelium

the file handling is being done in V so we can probably delay that, but what we need urgently is the ZOS support for mycelium
despiegk modified the project from (deleted) to tfgrid_3_14 2024-05-22 07:56:25 +00:00

done as part of hero now, appart form ZOS parts which is other story

done as part of hero now, appart form ZOS parts which is other story
despiegk removed this from the tfgrid_3_14 project 2024-06-04 12:21:48 +00:00
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Reference: tfgrid/circle_product_management#59
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