[Kristofs Official Profile](https://threefold.docsend.com/view/kipdw3c7fvf2r35s)
## ThreeFold Decentralized Cloud

Founded by Internet 1.0 Pioneers
About a decade ago, a group of passionate Internet & cloud veterans came together to build a system which can grow to a scalable, safe, compatible, and co-owned IT infrastructure.
Today the TFGrid is on +50 countries and will launch soon on Solana, **[see this site for more condidential info](https://friends.threefold.info/solana/)**.
> [see ThreeFold Website](https://threefold.io/)
Threefold is 100% owned by our venture creator: OurWorld
## TF9 our Belgium Tech company

Kristof is the founder and CEO of TF9 In Belgium.
TF9 owns the IP (Intellectual Preperty) as has been used to create the ThreeFold Cloud.
TF9 works with governments and large organizations to deliver 2 main usecases
1. antidote to the Cyber Pandemic
2. [Tier S datacenter](https://info.ourworld.tf/datacenter) as a better way how deploy lots of AI, Internet & Cloud capacity fast.