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index 7ef28da..3526b9b 100644
--- a/books/manual/SUMMARY.md
+++ b/books/manual/SUMMARY.md
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
- [ownCloud](dashboard/solutions/owncloud.md)
- [Peertube](dashboard/solutions/peertube.md)
- [Presearch](dashboard/solutions/presearch.md)
+ - [Static Website](dashboard/solutions/static_website.md)
- [Subsquid](dashboard/solutions/subsquid.md)
- [Taiga](dashboard/solutions/taiga.md)
- [Umbrel](dashboard/solutions/umbrel.md)
@@ -149,6 +150,7 @@
- [TFGrid Stacks](developers/grid_deployment/tfgrid_stacks.md)
- [Full VM Grid Deployment](developers/grid_deployment/grid_deployment_full_vm.md)
- [Grid Snapshots](developers/grid_deployment/snapshots.md)
+ - [Deploy the Dashboard](developers/grid_deployment/deploy_dashboard.md)
- [Farmers](farmers/farmers.md)
- [Build a 3Node](farmers/3node_building/3node_building.md)
- [1. Create a Farm](farmers/3node_building/1_create_farm.md)
diff --git a/collections/dashboard/deploy/applications.md b/collections/dashboard/deploy/applications.md
index e3a5a2c..17a7e2c 100644
--- a/collections/dashboard/deploy/applications.md
+++ b/collections/dashboard/deploy/applications.md
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ Easily deploy your favourite applications on the ThreeFold grid with a click of
- [ownCloud](owncloud.md)
- [Peertube](peertube.md)
- [Presearch](presearch.md)
+- [Static Website](static_website.md)
- [Subsquid](subsquid.md)
- [Taiga](taiga.md)
- [Umbrel](umbrel.md)
diff --git a/collections/dashboard/deploy/deploy.md b/collections/dashboard/deploy/deploy.md
index 2b358a3..2a66a64 100644
--- a/collections/dashboard/deploy/deploy.md
+++ b/collections/dashboard/deploy/deploy.md
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Here you will find everything related to deployments on the ThreeFold grid. This
- Checking the cost of a deployment using [Pricing Calculator](pricing_calculator.md)
- Finding a node to deploy on using the [Node Finder](node_finder.md)
-- Deploying your desired workload from [Virtual Machines](vm_intro.md), [Orchestrators](orchestrators.md), or [Applictions](applications.md)
+- Deploying your desired workload from [Virtual Machines](vm_intro.md), [Orchestrators](orchestrators.md), or [Applications](applications.md)
- Renting your own node on the ThreeFold grid from [Dedicated Machines](dedicated_machines.md)
- Consulting [Your Contracts](your_contracts.md) on the TFGrid
- Finding or publishing Flists from [Images](images.md)
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Binary files /dev/null and b/collections/dashboard/solutions/img/solutions_staticwebsite.png differ
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Binary files /dev/null and b/collections/dashboard/solutions/img/staticwebsite_list.png differ
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index 0000000..4f57b07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections/dashboard/solutions/static_website.md
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
Static Website
+Table of Contents
+- [Introduction](#introduction)
+- [Prerequisites](#prerequisites)
+- [Deployment](#deployment)
+## Introduction
+Static Website is an application where a user provides a GitHub repository URL for the files to be automatically served online using Caddy.
+## Prerequisites
+- Make sure you have a [wallet](wallet_connector.md)
+- From the sidebar click on **Applications**
+- Click on **Static Website**
+## Deployment
+- Enter an instance name
+- Enter a GitHub repository URL that needs to be cloned
+- Enter the title for the cloned repository
+- Select a capacity package:
+ - **Small**: {cpu: 1, memory: 2 , diskSize: 50 }
+ - **Medium**: {cpu: 2, memory: 4, diskSize: 100 }
+ - **Large**: {cpu: 4, memory: 16, diskSize: 250 }
+ - Or choose a **Custom** plan
+- `Dedicated` flag to retrieve only dedicated nodes
+- `Certified` flag to retrieve only certified nodes
+- Choose the location of the node
+ - `Region`
+ - `Country`
+ - `Farm Name`
+- Choose the node to deploy on
+ - Note: You can select a specific node with manual selection
+- `Custom Domain` flag allows the user to use a custom domain
+- Choose a gateway node to deploy your static website
+Once this is done, you can see a list of all of your deployed instances:
+Click on the button **Visit** under **Actions** to go to your static website!
diff --git a/collections/developers/developers.md b/collections/developers/developers.md
index 4e1c98a..410d5ec 100644
--- a/collections/developers/developers.md
+++ b/collections/developers/developers.md
@@ -87,4 +87,5 @@ For complementary information on the technology developed by ThreeFold, refer to
- [Grid Deployment](grid_deployment.md)
- [TFGrid Stacks](tfgrid_stacks.md)
- [Full VM Grid Deployment](grid_deployment_full_vm.md)
- - [Grid Snapshots](snapshots.md)
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+ - [Grid Snapshots](snapshots.md)
+ - [Deploy the Dashboard](deploy_dashboard.md)
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index 0000000..6c85532
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections/developers/grid_deployment/deploy_dashboard.md
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+Deploy the Dashboard
+Table of Contents
+- [Introduction](#introduction)
+- [Prerequisites](#prerequisites)
+- [Create an SSH Tunnel](#create-an-ssh-tunnel)
+- [Editor SSH Remote Connection](#editor-ssh-remote-connection)
+- [Set the VM](#set-the-vm)
+- [Build the Dashboard](#build-the-dashboard)
+- [Dashboard Public Access](#dashboard-public-access)
+- [Set the Network](#set-the-network)
+- [Questions and Feedback](#questions-and-feedback)
+## Introduction
+We show how to deploy the Dashboard (devnet) on a full VM. To do so, we set an SSH tunnel and use the VSCodium Remote Explorer function. We will then be able to use a source-code editor to explore the code and see changes on a local browser.
+We also show how to provide a public access to the Dashboard by setting a gateway domain to your full VM deployment. Note that this method is not production-ready and should only be used to test the Dashboard.
+## Prerequisites
+- TFChain account with TFT
+- [Deploy full VM with WireGuard connection](system_administrators@@ssh_wireguard)
+- [Make sure you can connect via SSH on the terminal](system_administrators@@ssh_openssh)
+In this guide, we use WireGuard, but you can use other connection methods, such as [Mycelium](system_administrators@@mycelium_toc).
+## Create an SSH Tunnel
+- Open a terminal and create an SSH tunnel
+ ```
+ ssh -4 -L 5173: root@
+ ```
+Simply leave this window open and follow the next steps.
+If you use an IPv6 address, e.g. with Mycelium, set `-6` in the line above instead of `-4`.
+## Editor SSH Remote Connection
+You can connect via SSH through the source-code editor to a VM on the grid. In this example, WireGuard is set.
+- Add the SSH Remote extension to [VSCodium](https://vscodium.com/)
+- Add a new SSH remote connection
+- Set the following (adjust with your own username and host)
+ ```
+ Host
+ HostName
+ User root
+ ```
+- Click on `Connect to host`
+## Set the VM
+We set the VM to be able to build the Dashboard.
+apt update && apt install build-essential python3 -y
+wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.7/install.sh | bash
+export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
+[ -s "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" # This loads nvm
+[ -s "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" # This loads nvm bash_completion
+nvm install 18
+npm install -g yarn
+## Build the Dashboard
+We now build the Dashboard.
+Clone the repository, then install, build and run the Dashboard. Note that here it is called `playground`:
+git clone https://github.com/threefoldtech/tfgrid-sdk-ts
+cd tfgrid-sdk-ts/
+yarn install
+make build
+make run project=playground
+You can then access the dev net Dashboard on your local browser.
+To stop running the Dashboard, simply enter ̀`Ctrl-C` on the terminal window.
+## Dashboard Public Access
+> Note: This method is not production-ready. Use only for testing purposes.
+Once you've tested the Dashboard with the SSH tunnel, you can explore how to access it from the public Internet. For this, we will create a gateway domain and bind the host to ``.
+On the Full VM page, [add a domain](dashboard@@add_domain) to access your deployment from the public Internet.
+- Under `Actions`, click on `Manage Domains`
+- Go to `Add New Domain`
+- Choose a gateway domain under `Select domain`
+- Set the port 5173
+- Click on `Add`
+To run the Dashboard from the added domain, use this instead of the previous `make run` line:
+cd packages/playground
+yarn dev --host
+You can then access the Dashboard from the domain you just created.
+## Set the Network
+You can set the network by running the configuration script. Simply set the network as the **MODE** (e.g. **main**, **test**, **dev**):
+cd packages/playground/public
+MODE=main ../scripts/build-env.sh
+Once you've set the configuration file, you can build and run the Dashboard.
+## Questions and Feedback
+If you have any questions or feedback, please let us know by either writing a post on the [ThreeFold Forum](https://forum.threefold.io/), or by chatting with us on the [TF Grid Tester Community](https://t.me/threefoldtesting) Telegram channel.
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--- a/collections/developers/grid_deployment/grid_deployment.md
+++ b/collections/developers/grid_deployment/grid_deployment.md
@@ -6,4 +6,5 @@ The TFGrid whole source code is open-source and instances of the grid can be dep
- [TFGrid Stacks](tfgrid_stacks.md)
- [Full VM Grid Deployment](grid_deployment_full_vm.md)
-- [Grid Snapshots](snapshots.md)
\ No newline at end of file
+- [Grid Snapshots](snapshots.md)
+- [Deploy the Dashboard](deploy_dashboard.md)
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diff --git a/collections/system_administrators/mycelium/information.md b/collections/system_administrators/mycelium/information.md
index 890c0db..a9eee41 100644
--- a/collections/system_administrators/mycelium/information.md
+++ b/collections/system_administrators/mycelium/information.md
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
- [Introduction](#introduction)
- [Connect to Other Nodes](#connect-to-other-nodes)
-- [Possible Peers](#possible-peers)
+- [Hosted Public Nodes](#hosted-public-nodes)
- [Default Port](#default-port)
- [Check Network Information](#check-network-information)
- [Test the Network](#test-the-network)
@@ -36,18 +36,32 @@ If you are using other tun inferface, e.g. utun3 (default), you can set a differ
mycelium --peers tcp:// quic:// --tun-name utun9
-## Possible Peers
+## Hosted Public Nodes
-Here are some possible peers.
+A couple of public nodes are provided, which can be freely connected to. This allows
+anyone to join the global network. These are hosted in 3 geographic regions, on both
+IPv4 and IPv6, and supporting both the Tcp and Quic protocols. The nodes are the
+| Node ID | Region | IPv4 | IPv6 | Tcp port | Quic port |
+| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+| 01 | DE | | 2a01:4f8:221:1e0b::2 | 9651 | 9651 |
+| 02 | DE | | 2a01:4f8:212:fa6::2 | 9651 | 9651 |
+| 03 | BE | | 2a02:1802:5e:0:8478:51ff:fee2:3331 | 9651 | 9651 |
+| 04 | BE | | 2a02:1802:5e:0:8c9e:7dff:fec9:f0d2 | 9651 | 9651 |
+| 05 | FI | | 2a01:4f9:6a:1dc5::2 | 9651 | 9651 |
+| 06 | FI | | 2a01:4f9:5a:1042::2 | 9651 | 9651 |
+These nodes are all interconnected, so 2 peers who each connect to a different node
+(or set of disjoint nodes) will still be able to reach each other. For optimal performance,
+it is recommended to connect to all of the above at once however. An example connection
+string could be:
+`--peers tcp:// "tcp://[2a01:4f8:212:fa6::2]:9651" quic:// "tcp://[2a02:1802:5e:0:8c9e:7dff:fec9:f0d2]:9651" tcp:// "quic://[2a01:4f9:5a:1042::2]:9651"`
+It is up to the user to decide which peers he wants to use, over which protocol.
+Note that quotation may or may not be required, depending on which shell is being
## Default Port