<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>Mermaid Diagram</title>
    <script type="module">
        import mermaid from 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/mermaid@10/dist/mermaid.esm.min.mjs';

        // Initialize Mermaid with the correct configuration
            startOnLoad: true,
            theme: "forest",  // Set the theme to "forest"
            flowchart: {
                curve: 'basis',  // For smoother edges
            themeVariables: {
                handDrawn: true,  // Enable hand-drawn look
                fontFamily: 'Comic Sans MS',  // Optional: to make the font match a more "hand-drawn" style
            width: '100%',  // Ensure the diagram uses max available width
            height: '600px' // Limit the height to emphasize horizontal space            
    <!-- Mermaid Diagram -->
    <div class="mermaid">
        flowchart LR
        A["The Customer"] -- CHF/EUR/... --> B("CLOUD MARKET PLACE<br>Discount based on position<br>in TF Liquidity Pool.")
        B -- TFT or INCA --> C{"Proof Of Utilization"}
        G["FARMING GRANTS<br>40m Tokens / Month"] --> I{"Proof Of Capacity<br>uptime, location, ..."}
        I --> D["ThreeFold Farmers<br>Can be Tier-S Datacenters"]
        C -- 80% --> D
        C -- 10% --> E["ThreeFold Cooperative"] & F["Validators<br>Commercial Partners"]
        D -- license fees --> H["TF9<br>ThreeFold Belgium"]
        X["Autonomous AI & Cloud Solutions"] --> B
        A --> X 
        X -- Margin --> Y["ThreeFold Dubai"]
        style H fill:#BBDEFB
        style Y fill:#BBDEFB
        style D fill:#BBDEFB
        style F fill:#BBDEFB