<h1> ThreeFold Connect Authenticator</h1> <h2>Table of Contents</h2> - [Introduction](#introduction) - [Connect with the Authenticator](#connect-with-the-authenticator) --- ## Introduction We present how to use the ThreeFold Authenticator. The ThreeFold Connect two-factor authenticator enables you access to ThreeFold Grid tools and solutions. Not a single person in the world will be able to log in to your account, not even us. ## Connect with the Authenticator To connect with the authenticator: - Make sure your ThreeFold Connect app is open before sending the login request. - Write your ThreeFold ID  - Click `SIGN IN`  - Take note of the icon shown on your screen  - On your phone, open TFConnect and enter your password  - Click on the icon you saw on the browser screen - You will see a confirmation screen  You should now be logged in.