
## High CDN Cost = Content Delivery

- CDN's cost between 20 and 60 on major CDN's from Amazon, Google, ..., after negotiation and willingness to park lots of money and commit per month it might be certain discount.
- Other specialized CDN's can be around 10 per TB if services from e.g. Europe or US, smaller CDN's are much more expensive.
- Managing these CDN's is expensive and not easy job.

> This means to service 10m people, it would cost about 1 to 2m USD per month just for CDN alone.

# CDN Pricing Amazon

Remark no fees included for HTTPS requests, but should be ok for volume we are talking about, if app is made in right way.

| Location    | Price per TB (USD) |
| ----------- | ------------------ |
| US          | 28                 |
| Middle East | 56                 |
| Africa      | 56                 |

## CloudFront Price Amazon: Regional Data Transfer Out to Origin (per GB)

|                   | United States, Mexico, and Canada | Europe, Israel, and Türkiye |  South Africa, Kenya, Nigeria,  and Middle East | South America | Japan  | Australia and New Zealand | Hong Kong, Indonesia,  Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Malaysia, and Vietnam | India  |
| ----------------- | --------------------------------- | --------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------- | ------------- | ------ | ------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------ |
| All Data Transfer | $0.020                            | $0.020                      | $0.060                                          | $0.125        | $0.060 | $0.080                    | $0.060                                                                                              | $0.160 |

References: https://aws.amazon.com/cloudfront/pricing/

## Discounts

- Discounts can be negotiated but required serious amounts of pre-financing

# CDN Pricing Google

Remark no fees included for HTTPS requests, but should be ok for volume we are talking about, if app is made in right way.

|                                                                                | **< 10 TiB** | **10 TiB-150 TiB** | **150 TiB-500 TiB** | **\> 500 TiB** |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ----- | ------------ | ------------------ | ------------------- |
| Asia Pacific<br>(including Hong Kong)                                          | $0.09 | $0.06        | $0.05              | On demand           |
| China                      | $0.20 | $0.17        | $0.16              | On demand           |
| Europe                                                                         | $0.08 | $0.055       | $0.03              | On demand           |
| North America<br>(including Hawaii)                                            | $0.08 | $0.055       | $0.03              | On demand           |
| Oceania                | $0.11 | $0.09        | $0.08              | On demand           |
| South America                                                                  | $0.09 | $0.06        | $0.05              | On demand           |
| All other destinations<br>(including Mexico, Central America, and Middle East) | $0.09 | $0.06        | $0.05              | On demand           |

References: https://cloud.google.com/cdn/pricing