Threefoldtoken on the stellar network

> Status 13 March 2024:

Total amount of TFT = 891,551,662 + 51,022,747 TFT = 942,574,409 TFT

The maximum amount of TFT will be 1 Billion TFT (originally was planned for 4 billion)

## TFT

- assetCode: TFT

> [TFT Statistics Info](

> 891,551,662 TFT


We used to have another blockchain called rivine (long time ago) and the tokens coming from there were going over TFTA.
A TFTA can be converted to a TFT anytime anyone wants.

- assetCode: TFTA

> [TFTA Statistics Info](

> 51,022,747 TFT

## Bridges

- [Binance Smart Chain - BSC]( 68,340,360 TFT
- [Etherium Bridge](  3,159,861 TFT
- [TFChain Bridge]( 6,952,619 TFT 

All TFT on these bridge accounts are locked on Stellar and cannot be used, they are part of the TFT bucket above.