<h1> GPU Support and JavaScript </h1>

<h2>Table of Contents</h2>

- [Introduction](#introduction)
- [Example](#example)


## Introduction

We present here a quick introduction to GPU support with JavaScript. 

There are a couple of updates regarding finding nodes with GPU, querying node for GPU information and deploying with support of GPU. 

This is an ongoing development and this section will be updated as new information comes in.

## Example

Here is an example script to deploy with GPU support:

import { DiskModel, FilterOptions, MachineModel, MachinesModel, NetworkModel } from "../src";
import { config, getClient } from "./client_loader";
import { log } from "./utils";

async function main() {
  const grid3 = await getClient();

  // create network Object
  const n = new NetworkModel();
  n.name = "vmgpuNetwork";
  n.ip_range = "";

  // create disk Object
  const disk = new DiskModel();
  disk.name = "vmgpuDisk";
  disk.size = 100;
  disk.mountpoint = "/testdisk";

  const vmQueryOptions: FilterOptions = {
    cru: 8,
    mru: 16, // GB
    sru: 100,
    availableFor: grid3.twinId,
    hasGPU: true,
    rentedBy: grid3.twinId,

  // create vm node Object
  const vm = new MachineModel();
  vm.name = "vmgpu";
  vm.node_id = +(await grid3.capacity.filterNodes(vmQueryOptions))[0].nodeId; // TODO: allow random choice
  vm.disks = [disk];
  vm.public_ip = false;
  vm.planetary = true;
  vm.cpu = 8;
  vm.memory = 1024 * 16;
  vm.rootfs_size = 0;
  vm.flist = "https://hub.grid.tf/tf-official-vms/ubuntu-22.04.flist";
  vm.entrypoint = "/";
  vm.env = {
    SSH_KEY: config.ssh_key,
  vm.gpu = ["0000:0e:00.0/1002/744c"]; // gpu card's id, you can check the available gpu from the dashboard

  // create VMs Object
  const vms = new MachinesModel();
  vms.name = "vmgpu";
  vms.network = n;
  vms.machines = [vm];
  vms.metadata = "";
  vms.description = "test deploying VM with GPU via ts grid3 client";

  // deploy vms
  const res = await grid3.machines.deploy(vms);

  // get the deployment
  const l = await grid3.machines.getObj(vms.name);

   // delete
  const d = await grid3.machines.delete({ name: vms.name });

  await grid3.disconnect();
