# TFGrid Manual - Get Started

## Get Started - Your First Deployment

It's easy to get started on the TFGrid and deploy applications.

- [Create a TFChain Account](../../dashboard/wallet_connector.md)
- [Get TFT](../../threefold_token/buy_sell_tft/buy_sell_tft.md)
- [Bridge TFT to TChain](../../threefold_token/tft_bridges/tft_bridges.md)
- [Deploy an Application](../../dashboard/deploy/deploy.md)
- [SSH Remote Connection](./ssh_guide/ssh_guide.md)
  - [SSH with OpenSSH](./ssh_guide/ssh_openssh.md)
  - [SSH with PuTTY](./ssh_guide/ssh_putty.md)
  - [SSH with WSL](./ssh_guide/ssh_wsl.md)
  - [SSH and WireGuard](./ssh_guide/ssh_wireguard.md)

## Grid Platforms

- [TF Dashboard](../../dashboard/dashboard.md)
- [TF Flist Hub](../../developers/flist/flist_hub/zos_hub.md)

## TFGrid Services and Resources

- [TFGrid Services](./tfgrid_services/tf_grid_services_readme.md)

## Advanced Deployment Techniques

- [Advanced Topics](../advanced/advanced.md)


If you have any question, feel free to ask for help on the [Threefold Forum](https://forum.threefold.io/c/threefold-grid-utilization/support/).