Contract Bills Reports

Table of Contents

- [Introduction](#introduction) - [Contract Billing Report (GraphQL)](#contract-billing-report-graphql) - [Consumption](#consumption) *** ## Introduction Now you can check the billing rate of your contracts directly from the `Contracts` tab in the Dashboard. > It takes an hour for the contract to display the billing rate (Until it reaches the first billing cycle). The `Billing Rate` is displayed in `TFT/Hour` ![image](img/billing_rate.png) ## Contract Billing Report (GraphQL) - you need to find the contract ID - ask the graphql for the consumption > example query for all contracts ```graphql query MyQuery { contractBillReports { contractId amountBilled discountReceived } } ``` And for a specific contract ```graphql query MyQuery { contractBillReports(where: { contractId_eq: 10 }) { amountBilled discountReceived contractId } } ``` ## Consumption ```graphql query MyQuery { consumptions(where: { contractId_eq: 10 }) { contractId cru sru mru hru nru } } ```