Transfer TFT Between Networks by Using the Keygenerator

Table of Contents

- [Introduction](#introduction) - [Prerequisites](#prerequisites) - [Keypair](#keypair) - [Stellar to TFChain](#stellar-to-tfchain) - [Alternative Transfer to TF Chain](#alternative-transfer-to-tf-chain) - [TFChain to Stellar](#tfchain-to-stellar) *** ## Introduction Using this method, only transfer is possible between accounts that are generated in the same manner and that are yours. Please find the keygen tooling for it below. ## Prerequisites ### Keypair - ed25519 keypair - Go installed on your local computer Create a keypair with the following tool: ```sh go build . ./keygen ``` ### Stellar to TFChain Create a Stellar wallet from the key that you generated. Transfer the TFT from your wallet to the bridge address. A deposit fee of 1 TFT will be taken, so make sure you send a larger amount as 1 TFT. Bridge addresses : - On Mainnet: `GBNOTAYUMXVO5QDYWYO2SOCOYIJ3XFIP65GKOQN7H65ZZSO6BK4SLWSC` on [Stellar Mainnet]( - On testnet: `GA2CWNBUHX7NZ3B5GR4I23FMU7VY5RPA77IUJTIXTTTGKYSKDSV6LUA4` on [Stellar MAINnet]( The amount deposited on TF Chain minus 1 TFT will be transferred over the bridge to the TFChain account. Effect will be the following : - Transferred TFTs from Stellar will be sent to a Stellar vault account representing all tokens on TFChain - TFTs will be minted on the TFChain for the transferred amount ### Alternative Transfer to TF Chain We also enabled deposits to TF Grid objects. Following objects can be deposited to: - Twin - Farm - Node - Entity To deposit to any of these objects, a memo text in format `object_objectID` must be passed on the deposit to the bridge wallet. Example: `twin_1`. To deposit to a TF Grid object, this object **must** exists. If the object is not found on chain, a refund is issued. ## TFChain to Stellar Create a TFChain account from the key that you generated. (TF Chain raw seed). Browse to : - For mainnet: - For testnet: - For Devnet: -> Add Account -> Click on mnemonic and select `Raw Seed` -> Paste raw TF Chain seed. Select `Advanced creation options` -> Change `keypair crypto type` to `Edwards (ed25519)`. Click `I have saved my mnemonic seed safely` and proceed. Choose a name and password and proceed. Browse to the [extrinsics]( , select tftBridgeModule and extrinsic: `swap_to_stellar`. Provide your Bridge substrate address and the amount to transfer. Sign using your password. Again, a withdrawfee of 1 TFT will be taken, so make sure you send an amount larger than 1 TFT. The amount withdrawn from TFChain will be sent to your Stellar wallet. Behind the scenes, following will happen: - Transferred TFTs from Stellar will be sent from the Stellar vault account to the user's Stellar account - TFTs will be burned on the TFChain for the transferred amount Example: ![swap_to_stellar](img/swap_to_stellar.png ':size=400')