![ ](./getstarted/img/network_concepts_.jpg) # TFGrid Network Concepts ## Peer 2 Peer Private Network ![ ](./getstarted/img/peer2peer_net_.jpg) All Zmachines (or kubernetes nodes) are connected to each other over private networks. When you use IAC or our clients then you can manually specify the name and IP Network Addr to be used. ## The Planetary Network ## Web Gateway (experts only) ![ ](./getstarted/img/webgw_.jpg) ## More Info - [Planetary Network](https://library.threefold.me/info/threefold#/technology/threefold__planetary_network) - [Web Gateway](https://library.threefold.me/info/threefold#/technology/threefold__webgw) - [Z-Net = secure network between Z-Machines](https://library.threefold.me/info/threefold#/technology/threefold__znet)