# TFGrid 3.0 Whats There To Know - [Storage Concepts](tfgrid3_storage_concepts.md) - [Network Concepts](tfgrid3_network_concepts.md) ## Networking ### Private network (ZNET) For a project that needs a private network, we need a network that can span across multiple nodes, this can be achieved by the network workload reservation [Network](tfgrid3_network_concepts.md) ### Planetary network For a project that want their workloads directly connected to the planetary network we will need the option planetary enabled when deploying a VM or kubernetes. Check [Planetary network](https://library.threefold.me/info/threefold#/technology/threefold__planetary_network) for more info about ### Public IPs When you want to have a public IP assigned to your workload, you need to reserve the number of IPs along with your contract and then you can attach it to the VM workload ## Exposing the workloads to the public Typically, if you reserved a public IP you can do that directly and create a domain referencing you public IP. Threefold provides also [Webgateway technology](https://library.threefold.me/info/threefold#/technology/threefold__webgw) a very cost-efficient technology to help with exposing your workloads ### how it works Basically you create a `domain reservation` that can be - `prefix` based e.g `mywebsite` that will internally translate to `mywebsite.ghent01.devnet.grid.tf` - `full domain` e.g `mysuperwebsite.com` (this needs to point to the gateway IP) And then you need to specify the yggrassil IP of your backend service, so the gateway knows where to redirect the traffic #### TLS As a user, you have two options - let the gateway terminate the TLS traffic for you and communicate with your workloads directly - let the gateway forward the traffic to your backend and you do the termination yourself (the recommended way if you are doing any sensitive business) ## Compute VM workload is the only workload that you will need to run a full blown VM or an [flist-based](flist_hub.md) container ### How can I create an flist? The easiest way is by converting existing docker images using [the hub](https://hub.grid.tf/docker-convert) ### How flist-based container run in a VM? ZOS injects its own generic kernel while booting the container based on the content of the filesystem ### kubernetes We leverage the VM primitive to allow provisioning kubernetes clusters across multiple nodes based on k3os flist. ## Exploring the capacity You can easily check using [explorer-ui](dashboard@@explorer_home) , also to plan your deployment you can use these [example queries](dashboard@@explorer_graphql_examples) ## Getting started Please check [Getting started](tfgrid3_getstarted.md) to get the necessary software / configurations