VM Deployment

Table of Contents

- [Introduction](#introduction) - [Template](#template) - [Using scheduler](#using-scheduler) - [Using Grid Explorer](#using-grid-explorer) - [Describing the overlay network for the project](#describing-the-overlay-network-for-the-project) - [Describing the deployment](#describing-the-deployment) - [Which flists to use](#which-flists-to-use) - [Remark multiple VMs](#remark-multiple-vms) - [Reference](#reference) *** ## Introduction The following provides the basic information to deploy a VM with Terraform on the TFGrid. ## Template ```terraform terraform { required_providers { grid = { source = "threefoldtech/grid" version = "1.8.1-dev" } } } provider "grid" { mnemonics = "FROM THE CREATE TWIN STEP" network = "dev" # or test to use testnet } locals { name = "testvm" } resource "grid_scheduler" "sched" { requests { name = "node1" cru = 3 sru = 1024 mru = 2048 node_exclude = [33] # exlude node 33 from your search public_ips_count = 0 # this deployment needs 0 public ips public_config = false # this node does not need to have public config } } resource "grid_network" "net1" { name = local.name nodes = [grid_scheduler.sched.nodes["node1"]] ip_range = "" description = "newer network" } resource "grid_deployment" "d1" { name = local.name node = grid_scheduler.sched.nodes["node1"] network_name = grid_network.net1.name vms { name = "vm1" flist = "https://hub.grid.tf/tf-official-apps/base:latest.flist" cpu = 2 memory = 1024 entrypoint = "/sbin/zinit init" env_vars = { SSH_KEY = file("~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub") } planetary = true } vms { name = "anothervm" flist = "https://hub.grid.tf/tf-official-apps/base:latest.flist" cpu = 1 memory = 1024 entrypoint = "/sbin/zinit init" env_vars = { SSH_KEY = file("~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub") } planetary = true } } output "vm1_ip" { value = grid_deployment.d1.vms[0].ip } output "vm1_planetary_ip" { value = grid_deployment.d1.vms[0].planetary_ip } output "vm2_ip" { value = grid_deployment.d1.vms[1].ip } output "vm2_planetary_ip" { value = grid_deployment.d1.vms[1].planetary_ip } ``` ## Using scheduler - If the user decided to choose [scheduler](terraform_scheduler.md) to find a node for him, then he will use the node returned from the scheduler as the example above ## Using Grid Explorer - If not, the user can still specify the node directly if he wants using the grid explorer to find a node that matches his requirements ## Describing the overlay network for the project ```terraform resource "grid_network" "net1" { nodes = [grid_scheduler.sched.nodes["node1"]] ip_range = "" name = "network" description = "some network" add_wg_access = true } ``` We tell terraform we will have a network one node `having the node ID returned from the scheduler` using the IP Range `` and add wireguard access for this network ## Describing the deployment ```terraform resource "grid_deployment" "d1" { name = local.name node = grid_scheduler.sched.nodes["node1"] network_name = grid_network.net1.name vms { name = "vm1" flist = "https://hub.grid.tf/tf-official-apps/base:latest.flist" cpu = 2 memory = 1024 entrypoint = "/sbin/zinit init" env_vars = { SSH_KEY = file("~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub") } planetary = true } vms { name = "anothervm" flist = "https://hub.grid.tf/tf-official-apps/base:latest.flist" cpu = 1 memory = 1024 entrypoint = "/sbin/zinit init" env_vars = { SSH_KEY = file("~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub") } planetary = true } } ``` It's bit long for sure but let's try to dissect it a bit ```terraform node = grid_scheduler.sched.nodes["node1"] network_name = grid_network.net1.name ip_range = lookup(grid_network.net1.nodes_ip_range, 2, "") ``` - `node = grid_scheduler.sched.nodes["node1"]` means this deployment will happen on node returned from the scheduler. Otherwise the user can specify the node as `node = 2` and in this case the choice of the node is completely up to the user at this point. They need to do the capacity planning. Check the [Node Finder](dashboard@@node_finder) to know which nodes fits your deployment criteria. - `network_name` which network to deploy our project on, and here we choose the `name` of network `net1` - `ip_range` here we [lookup](https://www.terraform.io/docs/language/functions/lookup.html) the iprange of node `2` and initially load it with `""` > Advannced note: Direct map access fails during the planning if the key doesn't exist which happens in cases like adding a node to the network and a new deployment on this node. So it's replaced with this to make a default empty value to pass the planning validation and it's validated anyway inside the plugin. ## Which flists to use see [list of flists](grid3_supported_flists.md) ## Remark multiple VMs in terraform you can define items of a list like the following ``` listname { } listname { } ``` So to add a VM ```terraform vms { name = "vm1" flist = "https://hub.grid.tf/tf-official-apps/base:latest.flist" cpu = 1 publicip = true memory = 1024 entrypoint = "/sbin/zinit init" env_vars = { SSH_KEY ="ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCeq1MFCQOv3OCLO1HxdQl8V0CxAwt5AzdsNOL91wmHiG9ocgnq2yipv7qz+uCS0AdyOSzB9umyLcOZl2apnuyzSOd+2k6Cj9ipkgVx4nx4q5W1xt4MWIwKPfbfBA9gDMVpaGYpT6ZEv2ykFPnjG0obXzIjAaOsRthawuEF8bPZku1yi83SDtpU7I0pLOl3oifuwPpXTAVkK6GabSfbCJQWBDSYXXM20eRcAhIMmt79zo78FNItHmWpfPxPTWlYW02f7vVxTN/LUeRFoaNXXY+cuPxmcmXp912kW0vhK9IvWXqGAEuSycUOwync/yj+8f7dRU7upFGqd6bXUh67iMl7 ahmed@ahmedheaven" } } ``` - We give it a name within our deployment `vm1` - `flist` is used to define the flist to run within the VM. Check the [list of flists](grid3_supported_flists.md) - `cpu` and `memory` are used to define the cpu and memory - `publicip` is usued to define if it requires a public IP or not - `entrypoint` is used define the entrypoint which in most of the cases in `/sbin/zinit init`, but in case of flists based on vms it can be specific to each flist - `env_vars` are used to define te environment variables, in this example we define `SSH_KEY` to authorize me accessing the machine Here we say we will have this deployment on node with `twin ID 2` using the overlay network defined from before `grid_network.net1.name` and use the ip range allocated to that specific node `2` The file describes only the desired state which is `a deployment of two VMs and their specifications in terms of cpu and memory, and some environment variables e.g sshkey to ssh into the machine` ## Reference A complete list of VM workload parameters can be found [here](https://github.com/threefoldtech/terraform-provider-grid/blob/development/docs/resources/deployment.md#nested-schema-for-vms). ``` terraform { required_providers { grid = { source = "threefoldtech/grid" } } } provider "grid" { } resource "grid_network" "net1" { nodes = [8] ip_range = "" name = "network" description = "newer network" add_wg_access = true } resource "grid_deployment" "d1" { node = 8 network_name = grid_network.net1.name ip_range = lookup(grid_network.net1.nodes_ip_range, 8, "") vms { name = "vm1" flist = "https://hub.grid.tf/tf-official-apps/base:latest.flist" cpu = 2 publicip = true memory = 1024 entrypoint = "/sbin/zinit init" env_vars = { SSH_KEY = "ssh-rsa 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 omar@omar-Predator-PT315-52" } planetary = true } vms { name = "anothervm" flist = "https://hub.grid.tf/tf-official-apps/base:latest.flist" cpu = 1 memory = 1024 entrypoint = "/sbin/zinit init" env_vars = { SSH_KEY = "ssh-rsa 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 omar@omar-Predator-PT315-52" } } } output "wg_config" { value = grid_network.net1.access_wg_config } output "node1_zmachine1_ip" { value = grid_deployment.d1.vms[0].ip } output "node1_zmachine2_ip" { value = grid_deployment.d1.vms[1].ip } output "public_ip" { value = grid_deployment.d1.vms[0].computedip } output "planetary_ip" { value = grid_deployment.d1.vms[0].planetary_ip } ```