## OurWorld Venture Creator

Kristof is the founder and CEO of OurWorld Holding in Mauritius.

![alt text](ourworld1.png)

This venture creator has a novel approach how to use technology to do good.

We believe high tech can do incredible things if used properly.

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> [more info here](https://threefold.docsend.com/view/s/d84sh3nz94rqgjfj)

We are fundraising In OurWorld as a SAFE investment instrument.

We are very excited about our tech projects

- a global decentralized cloud
- a digital freezone, which can be a real "afe haven" for millions of people
- an education system which has already proven its value

We are working on some super cool additional projects

We are very much focussed on Africa right now, [see this intro document](https://threefold.docsend.com/view/hrtzj4edqx247xkp)

[Kristofs Official Profile](https://threefold.docsend.com/view/kipdw3c7fvf2r35s)