# Who is behind the project ?

## who created the project

A group of passionate people who want to build a new foundational layer for an better working internet, more like the Internet was originally intended.

The project was started by some Internet & Cloud veterans who now want to handover to a much more decentralized environment.

More than 1000 farmers...

## the project mission

- we help others to create...
- enable everyone to build on top of TFGrid who needs cloud capacity (network, gpu, cpu, storage, ...)

## the project purpose

- deliver a new infrastructure layer to build a new internet on top off
- this infra layer is sovereign, more scalable, peer2peer, co-owned, ...
- project delivers network, compute, storage constructs to work with anyone who needs it for their own usecases
- [see tech high level description](key_innovations)

## who can benefit from TFGrid capabilities most?

- developers for CI/CD
- countries to deploy their own internet 
- DePIN movement
- Social Media Apps
- ...

## what has project achieved

- grid
- country
- community
- ...

## how biased is the project

- not biased, we are tech platform
- keep [values simple](values:planet_people_first) but very strong
- project intent is to clearly want to explain what the capabilities are of our tech and let everone decide for themselves what to do with it

## Messaging

- project is here to make it easy for everyone to play their role (see above)
- project believe very much in an internet where everyone can communicate freely, owns their own data, ...
- project wants to help others to really become decentralized (which is not the case today)
- project wants to help governments to have their own Internet
- project wants to help datacenter providers to build datacenters in other ways

## the participants

### Farmers

- connect computers to our new internet
- means provide GPU, Storage and Compute capacity and make it available over Mycelium to all participants

### Network Bridgers

- make bridge between old and new internet 
- provide bandwidth to Mycelium (the new Internet Network)

### Guardians

- Protect the network
- Provide governance
- Keep all relevant services up and running to allow the TFGrid to function

### Farming Pools

- Help farmers to be more effective
- Training & Support
- Improve uptime and provide authenticity

### DePIN Flow Provider 

- project are looking for a party (company, project, community) who wants to launch us into the DePIN world
- promote our project, explain tokens, integrate with exchanges
- integrate with rest of DePIN ecosystem
- organize community growth
- organize grants towards rest of community
- basically grown value for full ecosystem and let it "FLOW"

### TF Coop

- our governance layer (DAO tooling can be extended)
- Cooperative we are all part off.
- The Coop directors build an organization to streamline our expansion
- Give everyone a voice and env to operate from 

### 3Node Suppliers

- Build & Sell 3Node's to our participants.
- Minimal service/support needs to be delivered

### Service / Solution Providers

- They create & provide solutions and/or services on top of TFGrid
- Customers of these solutions pay in CHI (providing value to our mutual credit currency)
- Each solution has T&C
- Each solution needs to be supported
### Technology providers

- create opensource technology as can be used in the TFGrid
- grants might be available to reward Technology Providers
- TFTech (will get new name) is example of Technology Provider

### Digital Sovereign Zone's

- project integrate with sovereign zones to provide end2end sovereign regulated sandbox environments using tech, finance and legal solutions.