# ThreeFold Manual

*Welcome to the ThreeFold Manual!*

This manual is organized in two main sections: 

- [ThreeFold Knowledge Base](manual@@knowledge_base)
- [ThreeFold Documentation](manual@@documentation)

The *ThreeFold Knowledge Base* section contains all information needed to understand how the whole ThreeFold ecosystem works. 

The *ThreeFold Documentation* section contains all the practical information of the ThreeFold Grid, from general information covering the multi-functional [Dashboard](dashboard@@dashboard), [TFT](threefold_token@@threefold_token) and our community-based [FAQ](faq@@faq), to specific tutorials for [developers](developers@@developers), [farmers](farmers@@farmers) and [system administrators](system_administrators@@system_administrators).

> Explore the TFGrid status page for live updates on Threefold services!
> [Access with Grid.tf](https://status.grid.tf) | [Access with ThreeFold.io](https://status.threefold.io)

## Join the ThreeFold Community

The ThreeFold community is very active and its members will be more than happy to discuss and help you get started.

* [ThreeFold Forum](https://forum.threefold.io/)
* [ThreeFold General Telegram Channel](https://t.me/threefold)
* [ThreeFold Farmer Telegram Channel](https://t.me/threefoldfarmers)
* [TFGrid Tester Telegram Channel](https://t.me/threefoldtesting)

## Questions and Feedback

To explore this manual, you can use the search function by hitting **'s'** on your keyboard, or by clicking on the magnifier button at the top left of each page. Answers to your questions might also be on the [ThreeFold Forum](https://forum.threefold.io/).

If you can't find the answer to your question, our dedicated [ThreeFold Support](https://threefoldfaq.crisp.help/en/) team is here to help.

*Welcome to the ThreeFold Grid, where together we can shape a more sustainable, self-sovereign and autonomous digital future!*