<h1> ThreeFold VZW </h1> <h2>Table of Contents</h2> - [Introduction](#introduction) - [Functions](#functions) - [Some History](#some-history) - [Belgium Official Doc](#belgium-official-doc) *** ## Introduction ThreeFold VZW is a non for profit organization based in Belgium. A **VZW** has no shareholders, only members. <!-- [filename](structure/images_threefold_vzw.html ':include :type=iframe width=100% height=550px frameBorder="0" scrolling="no" align="center"') --> ## Functions - owner of the wisdom_council - eventuallly ThreeFold VZW will own some decentralized organizations as operating in the ThreeFold world e.g. [TF Dubai](./threefold_dubai.md) ## Some History We all started in Belgium from Korenlei 22, a super old building in the middle of the town. It dates back to 1731.   Now the foundation has another address in Lochristi. <!-- Todo: Find/create wisdom council page The **VZW** is home to the [Wisdom Council](wisdom_council) --> ## Belgium Official Doc  <!-- see [threefold_vzw_be_book_20067539.pdf]() --> See also https://trendstop.knack.be/en/detail/747872572/threefold-foundation.aspx