
# Business Twin

Imagine a world where all your business partners have a legal_twin in a safe legal jurisdiction, you can do together transactions in all safety and simplicity, no complicated paper, money flows at a fraction of the cost today.

- This official legal structure 100% represents you and can act on your behalf.
- This is possible today but too cumbersome, we want to simplify this and make more cost effective.
- Our aim is to make your legal twin seamless integrated with your digital_twin.
    - You use the hercules_browser to access your legal twin hosted elsewhere on the TFGrid in chosen jurisdiction.

Such a business twin would cost 50-200 eur per month and would take care of

- shareholder administrative tools.
- billing & invoicing between companies (other business twins), 100% automatic, zero-paper.
- deal with contractual relationships (using blockchain smart contracts).
- your HR requirements, work with anyone in the world 100% seamless & transparant
- work with digital currencies (over gateway)
- legal tender for your official documents.
- store your assets as gold or other valuable assets.
- all your tax reporting requirements.

> Basically you would be able to run a full blown business in all safety, 100% regulated for < 100 eur per month. <BR>
> Independent from where you physically live. <BR>
> Our aim is to automate all your business processes as much as we can.

## Benefits

- cost savings
- time savings
- simplicity
- transparant
- 100% legalized & trustworthy
- automated

> don't lose your time on boring admin/money business items

## Its a viral idea.

Its in the best interest for every business twin owner to convince other people to do the same

- every shareholder of yours can get their own legal_twin
- every business partner of yours can get their own legal_twin and as such life becomes more simple for everyone
- ideal backend structure for Security Token Offerings (because all would stay in legal sandbox)
- easier blockchain based escrow services

> By convincing your friends, business partners to join your life becomes much more simple & secure.

## Future

- There is an option to buy a structure in Mauritius which allows us to create hundreds of thousands of legal entities fully regulated.
- The structure has already 1m USD recurring revenue.
- Next to owning this structure (or at least have majority shareholding) the plan is the further develop on the technical platform.
- Investment need 5m EUR.

  "title":  "Profile",
  "config": {
    "type":    "rating",
    "labels":  true,
    "numbers": true,
    "groups":  5
  "data": [
    { "label": "High Tech",  "value": 3 },    
    { "label": "Sustainability",     "value": 2 },
    { "label": "Product Ready",  "value": 3 },
    { "label": "Market Traction", "value": 0 },
    { "label": "Sales Focus",  "value": 0 },
    { "label": "End User Focus",  "value": 2 },
    { "label": "Future Value",  "value": 5 }


## Business model

- 50-200 eur per entity
- aim is to have hundreds of thousands of companies registered like this
- 100.000 companies -> 80 eur average = +- 100 million USD recurring revenu

!!!alias business_twin
