# Internet Evolution to Web 4.0

### Classic Internet


Everything is structured as client-server model


- The servers run as applications inside huge datacenters using a lot of energy
- Most of the processes in those servers are being repeated = highly inefficient
- We exist 100x times, very inefficient
- This leads to a lot of centralization -> insecure, as well as abuse of our data
- This has also been called Web 1.0 and Web 2.0

### Blockchain Based Web 3.0 Vision

Blockchain decentralized the server, but in principle it remains a client - server model


- It is definitely a step in the right direction but the paradigm is the same
- We as users still exist in different systems, and have to deal with different applications (protocols)
- These blockchains can be integrated, and through Web 2.0 concepts the web application can interact with multiple blockchains at the same time
- This has also been called Web 3.0


The browser has now become our operating system running on javascript. All applications run in our browser and interact with multiple blockchains.

### Evolution To Peer2Peer Web 4

In the Web 4.0 vision, the user has been put in the center.


- you in the center of your digital life (hero)
- blockchain only needed for functions like money, identity, smart contracts, ...
- internet 10x more efficient
- data can never get lost
- data sovereignity (you own your data)
- an internet created by all for all = **be the internet**