# Open-Source Movement

## Introduction

The open-source *TFGRID is an open-source movement. TFTech and TFCloud are two sponsors of this project.

## TFCloud

- The Company who is behind this e-book
- TFCloud is called ThreeFold DMCC and is based in Dubai.
- TFCloud delivers commercial hosting solutions on top of the grid.
- TFCloud products will go life Q1 2024 (beta already in dec 2023)
- TFCloud best effort maintains the threefold forum and delivers best effort support for the TFGrid as well.
- TFCloud is not a crypto company and has no interest to support speculation or any other financial game around the tokens, TFCloud is all about leveraging a distributed network of compute & storage capacity for its own solutions.

## TFTech

- develops most of the opensource software as used in the TFGrid
- contributes all this code 
- support is best effort
- TFTech sells commercial licenses to help companies, governments and enterprises to make most out of the code.
- TFTech also does OEM deals with partners for specific usecases.

## Promise to 100% Independence of TFGrid

- TFCloud and TFGrid are motivated to let the TFGrid infrastructure run independenty from TFTech and TFCloud by mid to end 2024.
- Run Independently means
   - less than 20% of the validators or other tech components should be managed by TFTech or TFCloud
   - less than 20% of the guardians are linked to  TFTech or TFCloud
   - guardians will have to decide on upgrades of 3nodes linked to their regional internet
- Anyone community in the world can run their own regional Internet without any help of TFCloud/TFTech.
- This basically means if TFTech and TFCloud would no longer exist and community has interest to keep on funding the project, then the project can continue by itself. 

> **In other words, *TFGRID, once a baby, became an adult and moved out of the house.**