2024-04-29 17:49:02 +00:00
.. updated smaller collections for manual 2024-04-29 17:49:02 +00:00

Gateway Module


Gateway module is available on zbus over the following channel

module object version
gateway gateway 0.0.1

Home Directory

gateway keeps some data in the following locations

directory path
root /var/cache/modules/gateway

The directory /var/cache/modules/gateway/proxy contains the route information used by traefik to forward traffic.


The gateway modules is used to register traefik routes and services to act as a reverse proxy. It's the backend supporting two kinds of workloads: gateway-fqdn-proxy and gateway-name-proxy.

For the FQDN type, it receives the domain and a list of backends in the form http://ip:port or https://ip:port and registers a route for this domain forwarding traffic to these backends. It's a requirement that the domain resolves to the gateway public ip. The tls_passthrough parameter determines whether the tls termination happens on the gateway or in the backends. When it's true, the backends must be in the form https://ip:port, and the backends must be https-enabled servers.

The name type is the same as the FQDN type except that the name parameter is added as a prefix to the gatweay domain to determine the fqdn. It's forbidden to use a FQDN type workload to reserve a domain managed by the gateway.

The fqdn type is enabled only if there's a public config on the node. The name type works only if a domain exists in the public config. To make a full-fledged gateway node, these DNS records are required:                   A     ip.of.the.gateway
*                CNAME NS

zinit unit

exec: gateway --broker unix:///var/run/redis.sock --root /var/cache/modules/gateway
  - boot

Implementation details

Traefik is used as the reverse proxy forwarding traffic to upstream servers. All worklaods deployed on the node is associated with a domain that resolves to the node IP. In the name workload case, it's a subdomain of the gateway main domain. In the FQDN case, the user must create a DNS A record pointing it to the node IP. The node by default redirects all http traffic to https.

When an https request reaches the node, it looks at the domain and determines the correct service that should handle the request. The services defintions are in /var/cache/modules/gateway/proxy/ and is hot-reloaded by traefik every time a service is added/removed to/from it. Zos currently supports enabling tls_passthrough in which case the https request is passed as is to the backend (at the TCP level). The default is tls_passthrough is false which means the node terminates the TLS traffic and then forwards the request as http to the backend. Example of a FQDN service definition with tls_passthrough enabled:

      rule: HostSNI(``)
      service: 37-2039-testname
        passthrough: "true"
        - address:

Example of a "name" service definition with tls_passthrough disabled:

      rule: Host(``)
      service: 40-1976-workloadname
        certResolver: dnsresolver
        - sans:
          - '*'
        - url: http://[backendip]:9000

The certResolver option has two valid values, resolver and dnsresolver. The resolver is an http resolver and is used in FQDN services with tls_passthrough disabled. It uses the http challenge to generate a single-domain certificate. The dnsresolver is used for name services with tls_passthrough disabled. The dnsresolver is responsible for generating a wildcard certificate to be used for all subdomains of the gateway domain. Its flow is described below.

The CNAME record is used to make all subdomains (reserved or not) resolve to the ip of the gateway. Generating a wildcard certificate requires adding a TXT record at The NS record is used to delegate this specific subdomain to the node. So if someone did dig TXT, the query is served by the node, not the DNS provider used for the gateway domain.

Traefik has, as a config parameter, multiple dns providers to communicate with when it wants to add the required TXT record. For non-supported providers, a bash script can be provided to do the record generation and clean up (i.e. External program). The bash script starts dnsmasq managing a dns zone for the __acme-challenge subdomain with the given TXT record. It then kills the dnsmasq process and removes the config file during cleanup.


type Backend string

// GatewayFQDNProxy definition. this will proxy name.<zos.domain> to backends
type GatewayFQDNProxy struct {
	// FQDN the fully qualified domain name to use (cannot be present with Name)
	FQDN string `json:"fqdn"`

	// Passthroug whether to pass tls traffic or not
	TLSPassthrough bool `json:"tls_passthrough"`

	// Backends are list of backend ips
	Backends []Backend `json:"backends"`

// GatewayNameProxy definition. this will proxy name.<zos.domain> to backends
type GatewayNameProxy struct {
	// Name the fully qualified domain name to use (cannot be present with Name)
	Name string `json:"name"`

	// Passthroug whether to pass tls traffic or not
	TLSPassthrough bool `json:"tls_passthrough"`

	// Backends are list of backend ips
	Backends []Backend `json:"backends"`

type Gateway interface {
	SetNamedProxy(wlID string, prefix string, backends []string, TLSPassthrough bool) (string, error)
	SetFQDNProxy(wlID string, fqdn string, backends []string, TLSPassthrough bool) error
	DeleteNamedProxy(wlID string) error
	Metrics() (GatewayMetrics, error)