# Funkwhale [Funkwhale](https://funkwhale.audio/) is social platform to enjoy and share music. Funkwhale is a community-driven project that lets you listen and share music and audio within a decentralized, open network. - Make sure you have an activated [profile](./weblets_profile_manager.md) - Click on the **Funkwhale** tab __Process__ : ![ ](./img/new_funk1.png) - Enter an Application Name. It's used in generating a unique subdomain on one of the gateways on the network alongside your twin ID. Ex. ***fw100myfunk*.gent02.dev.grid.tf** - Enter administrator information including **Username**, **Email** and **Password**. This admin user will have full permission on the deployed instance. - Select a capacity package: - **Small**: {cpu: 1, memory: 2, diskSize: 50 } - **Medium**: {cpu: 2, memory: 4, diskSize: 100 } - **Large**: {cpu: 4, memory: 16, diskSize: 250 } - Or choose a **Custom** plan - Choose a gateway node to deploy your Funkwhale instance on. - Select a node to deploy your Funkwhale instance on. - Either use the **Capacity Filter**. Which simply lets you pick a *Farm* and *Country*, after clicking on *Apply filters and suggest nodes* then it lists available nodes with these preferences and you pick. - Or use **Manual** and type a specific node number to deploy on. After that is done you can see a list of all of your deployed instances ![ ](./img/funkwhale2.png) Click on ***Visit*** to go to the homepage of your Funkwhale instance! ![ ](./img/funkwhale3.png)