--- import Layout from '~/layouts/PageLayout.astro'; import { getPermalink } from '~/utils/permalinks'; import Hero from '~/components/widgets/Hero.astro'; import Note from '~/components/widgets/Note.astro'; //import Features from '~/components/widgets/Features.astro'; import Content from '~/components/widgets/Content.astro'; //import BlogLatestPosts from '~/components/widgets/BlogLatestPosts.astro'; import FAQs from '~/components/widgets/FAQs.astro'; import CallToAction from '~/components/widgets/CallToAction.astro'; //import Partners from './partners.astro' import Purpose from './purpose.astro' import Inca from './internetcapacity.astro' import INCAStats from './incastats.astro' const metadata = { title: 'Project Internet Capacity — Decentralized Autonomous Cloud', ignoreTitleTemplate: true, }; --- Welcome To Project

is the currency
of the future...

Internet Capacity, DePIN Cloud Earn rewards by providing Internet Capacity to the world!

Founded by Internet 1.0 Pioneers

Over the years, a handful of companies became major cloud providers and this led to a highly centralized playfield. Today, the cloud market is worth trillion of dollars and is very centralized.

We are cloud experts, and we've worked with the cloud all our lives. We've been here since the start of the cloud industry and we are pioneers of the Internet 1.0.

After years of hard work, fueled by desire to build an ecosystem in line with the peer-to-peer spirit of the early Internet days, we've built at ThreeFold a complete and production-ready cloud engine.

Building on a Proven Technology

The ThreeFold Grid is a robust and production-ready ecosystem.
Learn what makes this technology unique.
Grow the Internet Capacity with Us! The grid grows stronger as we build and deploy together. Join the fun!