2024-06-04 08:03:43 -04:00

326 lines
9.2 KiB

import { getImage } from 'astro:assets';
import { transformUrl, parseUrl } from 'unpic';
import type { ImageMetadata } from 'astro';
import type { HTMLAttributes } from 'astro/types';
type Layout = 'fixed' | 'constrained' | 'fullWidth' | 'cover' | 'responsive' | 'contained';
export interface AttributesProps extends HTMLAttributes<'img'> {}
export interface ImageProps extends Omit<HTMLAttributes<'img'>, 'src'> {
src?: string | ImageMetadata | null;
width?: string | number | null;
height?: string | number | null;
alt?: string | null;
loading?: 'eager' | 'lazy' | null;
decoding?: 'sync' | 'async' | 'auto' | null;
style?: string;
srcset?: string | null;
sizes?: string | null;
fetchpriority?: 'high' | 'low' | 'auto' | null;
layout?: Layout;
widths?: number[] | null;
aspectRatio?: string | number | null;
export type ImagesOptimizer = (
image: ImageMetadata | string,
breakpoints: number[],
width?: number,
height?: number
) => Promise<Array<{ src: string; width: number }>>;
/* ******* */
const config = {
// FIXME: Use this when image.width is minor than deviceSizes
imageSizes: [16, 32, 48, 64, 96, 128, 256, 384],
deviceSizes: [
640, // older and lower-end phones
750, // iPhone 6-8
828, // iPhone XR/11
960, // older horizontal phones
1080, // iPhone 6-8 Plus
1280, // 720p
1668, // Various iPads
1920, // 1080p
2048, // QXGA
2560, // WQXGA
3200, // QHD+
3840, // 4K
4480, // 4.5K
5120, // 5K
6016, // 6K
formats: ['image/webp'],
const computeHeight = (width: number, aspectRatio: number) => {
return Math.floor(width / aspectRatio);
const parseAspectRatio = (aspectRatio: number | string | null | undefined): number | undefined => {
if (typeof aspectRatio === 'number') return aspectRatio;
if (typeof aspectRatio === 'string') {
const match = aspectRatio.match(/(\d+)\s*[/:]\s*(\d+)/);
if (match) {
const [, num, den] = match.map(Number);
if (den && !isNaN(num)) return num / den;
} else {
const numericValue = parseFloat(aspectRatio);
if (!isNaN(numericValue)) return numericValue;
return undefined;
* Gets the `sizes` attribute for an image, based on the layout and width
export const getSizes = (width?: number, layout?: Layout): string | undefined => {
if (!width || !layout) {
return undefined;
switch (layout) {
// If screen is wider than the max size, image width is the max size,
// otherwise it's the width of the screen
case `constrained`:
return `(min-width: ${width}px) ${width}px, 100vw`;
// Image is always the same width, whatever the size of the screen
case `fixed`:
return `${width}px`;
// Image is always the width of the screen
case `fullWidth`:
return `100vw`;
return undefined;
const pixelate = (value?: number) => (value || value === 0 ? `${value}px` : undefined);
const getStyle = ({
objectFit = 'cover',
objectPosition = 'center',
}: {
width?: number;
height?: number;
aspectRatio?: number;
objectFit?: string;
objectPosition?: string;
layout?: string;
background?: string;
}) => {
const styleEntries: Array<[prop: string, value: string | undefined]> = [
['object-fit', objectFit],
['object-position', objectPosition],
// If background is a URL, set it to cover the image and not repeat
if (background?.startsWith('https:') || background?.startsWith('http:') || background?.startsWith('data:')) {
styleEntries.push(['background-image', `url(${background})`]);
styleEntries.push(['background-size', 'cover']);
styleEntries.push(['background-repeat', 'no-repeat']);
} else {
styleEntries.push(['background', background]);
if (layout === 'fixed') {
styleEntries.push(['width', pixelate(width)]);
styleEntries.push(['height', pixelate(height)]);
styleEntries.push(['object-position', 'top left']);
if (layout === 'constrained') {
styleEntries.push(['max-width', pixelate(width)]);
styleEntries.push(['max-height', pixelate(height)]);
styleEntries.push(['aspect-ratio', aspectRatio ? `${aspectRatio}` : undefined]);
styleEntries.push(['width', '100%']);
if (layout === 'fullWidth') {
styleEntries.push(['width', '100%']);
styleEntries.push(['aspect-ratio', aspectRatio ? `${aspectRatio}` : undefined]);
styleEntries.push(['height', pixelate(height)]);
if (layout === 'responsive') {
styleEntries.push(['width', '100%']);
styleEntries.push(['height', 'auto']);
styleEntries.push(['aspect-ratio', aspectRatio ? `${aspectRatio}` : undefined]);
if (layout === 'contained') {
styleEntries.push(['max-width', '100%']);
styleEntries.push(['max-height', '100%']);
styleEntries.push(['object-fit', 'contain']);
styleEntries.push(['aspect-ratio', aspectRatio ? `${aspectRatio}` : undefined]);
if (layout === 'cover') {
styleEntries.push(['max-width', '100%']);
styleEntries.push(['max-height', '100%']);
const styles = Object.fromEntries(styleEntries.filter(([, value]) => value));
return Object.entries(styles)
.map(([key, value]) => `${key}: ${value};`)
.join(' ');
const getBreakpoints = ({
}: {
width?: number;
breakpoints?: number[];
layout: Layout;
}): number[] => {
if (layout === 'fullWidth' || layout === 'cover' || layout === 'responsive' || layout === 'contained') {
return breakpoints || config.deviceSizes;
if (!width) {
return [];
const doubleWidth = width * 2;
if (layout === 'fixed') {
return [width, doubleWidth];
if (layout === 'constrained') {
return [
// Always include the image at 1x and 2x the specified width
// Filter out any resolutions that are larger than the double-res image
...(breakpoints || config.deviceSizes).filter((w) => w < doubleWidth),
return [];
/* ** */
export const astroAsseetsOptimizer: ImagesOptimizer = async (image, breakpoints, _width, _height) => {
if (!image) {
return [];
return Promise.all(
breakpoints.map(async (w: number) => {
const url = (await getImage({ src: image, width: w, inferSize: true })).src;
return {
src: url,
width: w,
export const isUnpicCompatible = (image: string) => {
return typeof parseUrl(image) !== 'undefined';
/* ** */
export const unpicOptimizer: ImagesOptimizer = async (image, breakpoints, width, height) => {
if (!image || typeof image !== 'string') {
return [];
const urlParsed = parseUrl(image);
if (!urlParsed) {
return [];
return Promise.all(
breakpoints.map(async (w: number) => {
const url =
url: image,
width: w,
height: width && height ? computeHeight(w, width / height) : height,
cdn: urlParsed.cdn,
}) || image;
return {
src: String(url),
width: w,
/* ** */
export async function getImagesOptimized(
image: ImageMetadata | string,
{ src: _, width, height, sizes, aspectRatio, widths, layout = 'constrained', style = '', ...rest }: ImageProps,
transform: ImagesOptimizer = () => Promise.resolve([])
): Promise<{ src: string; attributes: AttributesProps }> {
if (typeof image !== 'string') {
width ||= Number(image.width) || undefined;
height ||= typeof width === 'number' ? computeHeight(width, image.width / image.height) : undefined;
width = (width && Number(width)) || undefined;
height = (height && Number(height)) || undefined;
widths ||= config.deviceSizes;
sizes ||= getSizes(Number(width) || undefined, layout);
aspectRatio = parseAspectRatio(aspectRatio);
// Calculate dimensions from aspect ratio
if (aspectRatio) {
if (width) {
if (height) {
/* empty */
} else {
height = width / aspectRatio;
} else if (height) {
width = Number(height * aspectRatio);
} else if (layout !== 'fullWidth') {
// Fullwidth images have 100% width, so aspectRatio is applicable
console.error('When aspectRatio is set, either width or height must also be set');
console.error('Image', image);
} else if (width && height) {
aspectRatio = width / height;
} else if (layout !== 'fullWidth') {
// Fullwidth images don't need dimensions
console.error('Either aspectRatio or both width and height must be set');
console.error('Image', image);
let breakpoints = getBreakpoints({ width: width, breakpoints: widths, layout: layout });
breakpoints = [...new Set(breakpoints)].sort((a, b) => a - b);
const srcset = (await transform(image, breakpoints, Number(width) || undefined, Number(height) || undefined))
.map(({ src, width }) => `${src} ${width}w`)
.join(', ');
return {
src: typeof image === 'string' ? image : image.src,
attributes: {
width: width,
height: height,
srcset: srcset || undefined,
sizes: sizes,
style: `${getStyle({
width: width,
height: height,
aspectRatio: aspectRatio,
layout: layout,
})}${style ?? ''}`,