Okay great stuff. Can you set it up? He really never got back to me
Everyone except Andrea has filled out the document as of now. @despiegk you might also consider filling it out so that I can check them. The next thing, next week will be publishing the press…
Hello everyone - I've revised the document, updated from today's conversation. Everyone is welcome to check it @despiegk @Florian we can review it together https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZTZSO…
Putting here telegram handle of Maximilian Rang @maximilianrang and Andrea Castiglione @finmay
Hey there Karoline, I cannot add max because hes a premium user - can you please create a group?
@Amanda You're due to complete this week's recurring content in the content plan sheet by Wednesday EOD
January newsletter draft here, needs to go out asap:
Perfect! It can go live tomorrow!
Hello everyone, here's the document for the Strategy for everyone to review: https://docs.google.com/document/d/13NeNgS0unG6mbuCOLWPU6SdahmE-_bq0ogQJn4t_7wE/edit?tab=t.0
Need to create official SOPs for information dissemination