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Minting Contract
The minting can happen over multiple blockchains.
- name e.g. INCAG in case of ThreeFold
- description
- address, the address of this minting contract
- dest_token_name e.g. INCA in case of ThreeFold
- dest_chain e.g. SOLANA
- link (link to more info about the minter)
- multisig_accounts e.g. 9 accounts need to sign
- multisig_min_signature e.g. 6 need to sign, this is for releasing the generated token INCA
- smart_contract_addr: address of the smart contract
"minting_contract": {
"name": "INCAG",
"description": "Minting contract for INCA (Internet Capacity) tokens",
"address": "0xABCDEF1234567890ABCDEF1234567890ABCDEF12",
"dest_token_name": "INCA",
"dest_chain": "SOLANA",
"link": "https://example.com/incag_minter_info",
"multisig_accounts": [
"multisig_min_signature": 6,
"smart_contract_addr": "0xABCDEF1234567890ABCDEF1234567890ABCDEF12",