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   Template:   Sepia - Photography Portfolio HTML Website Template
   Author:     Themetorium
   URL:        https://themetorium.net  

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		<title>Portfolio - Sepia - Photography Portfolio HTML Website Template</title>

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		* Use class "menu-align-center" to align menu to center (do not use with header classes!).
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					====================== -->
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									<div class="tt-clobal-search-inner">
										<span class="tt-clobal-search-title">Search</span>
										<form id="tt-clobal-search-form" class="form-btn-inside" method="get" action="search-results.html">
											<input type="text" id="tt-clobal-search-input" name="search" placeholder="Type your keywords ...">
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							<!-- Begin call to action button -->
								<a href="https://themeforest.net/item/sepia-photography-portfolio-html-website-template/20195226?ref=Themetorium" class="tt-tools-button" target="_blank">Buy<span class="hide-from-sm"> This Theme</span>!</a>
							<!-- End call to action button -->
					<!-- End menu tools -->

					<!-- Collect the nav links for toggling 
					* Use class "tt-submenu-dark" to enable submenu dark style.
					<div class="tt-menu-collapse tt-submenu-dark">
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							<!-- Begin submenu (submenu master)
							==================================== -->
							<li class="tt-submenu-wrap tt-submenu-master">
								<a href="#0">Home</a>
								<ul class="tt-submenu">
									<li><a href="home-landing.html">Home Landing</a></li>
									<li><a href="home-intro-slideshow.html">Slideshow</a></li>
									<li><a href="albums-slideshow.html">Slideshow + Thumb.</a></li>
									<li><a href="home-intro-full-screen.html">Full Screen Slideshow</a></li>
									<li><a href="categories-carousel.html">Categories Carousel</a></li>
									<li><a href="home-intro-image.html">Static Image Intro</a></li>
									<li><a href="home-intro-video.html">Video Intro</a></li>
									<li><a href="home-intro-video-full-screen.html">Full Screen Video Intro</a></li>
								</ul> <!-- /.tt-submenu -->
							<!-- End submenu (sub-master) -->

							<!-- Begin submenu (submenu master)
							==================================== -->
							<li class="tt-submenu-wrap tt-submenu-master">
								<a href="#0">About</a>
								<ul class="tt-submenu">
									<li><a href="about-me.html">About Me</a></li>
									<li><a href="about-me-fluid.html">About Me Fluid</a></li>
									<li><a href="about-me-2.html">About Me 2</a></li>
									<li><a href="about-me-2-fluid.html">About Me 2 Fluid</a></li>
								</ul> <!-- /.tt-submenu -->
							<!-- End submenu (sub-master) -->

							<!-- Begin submenu (submenu master)
							==================================== -->
							<li class="tt-submenu-wrap tt-submenu-master">
								<a href="#0">Portfolio</a>
								<ul class="tt-submenu">

									<!-- Begin submenu
									=================== -->
									<li class="tt-submenu-wrap">
										<a href="#0">Albums</a>
										<ul class="tt-submenu">

											<!-- Begin submenu
											=================== -->
											<li class="tt-submenu-wrap">
												<a href="#0">Grid</a>
												<ul class="tt-submenu">
													<li><a href="albums-grid.html">Grid Default</a></li>
													<li><a href="albums-grid-2.html">Grid 2</a></li>
													<li><a href="albums-grid-fluid.html">Grid Fluid</a></li>
													<li><a href="albums-grid-fluid-2.html">Grid Fluid 2</a></li>
													<li><a href="albums-grid-fluid-3.html">Grid Fluid 3</a></li>
													<li><a href="albums-grid-fluid-4.html">Grid Fluid 4</a></li>
													<li><a href="albums-grid-no-crop.html">Grid No Crop</a></li>
													<li><a href="albums-grid-simple.html">Grid Simple</a></li>
													<li><a href="albums-grid-styles.html">Grid Item Styles</a></li>
												</ul> <!-- /.tt-submenu -->
											<!-- End submenu -->

											<!-- Begin submenu
											=================== -->
											<li class="tt-submenu-wrap">
												<a href="#0">Carousel</a>
												<ul class="tt-submenu">
													<li><a href="albums-carousel.html">Albums Carousel</a></li>
													<li><a href="albums-carousel-no-crop.html">Carousel No Crop</a></li>
													<li><a href="albums-carousel-split.html">Carousel Split</a></li>
												</ul> <!-- /.tt-submenu -->
											<!-- End submenu -->

											<!-- Begin submenu
											=================== -->
											<li class="tt-submenu-wrap">
												<a href="#0">Archive</a>
												<ul class="tt-submenu">
													<li><a href="albums-archive.html">Archive Default</a></li>
													<li><a href="albums-archive-fluid.html">Archive Fluid</a></li>
													<li><a href="albums-archive-fluid-2.html">Archive Fluid 2</a></li>
												</ul> <!-- /.tt-submenu -->
											<!-- End submenu -->

											<li><a href="albums-one-column.html">One Column</a></li>
											<li><a href="albums-one-column-fluid.html">One Column Fluid</a></li>
											<li><a href="albums-slideshow.html">Slideshow + Thumb.</a></li>
											<li><a href="albums-thumbnails-list.html">Thumbnails List</a></li>

										</ul> <!-- /.tt-submenu -->
									<!-- End submenu -->

									<!-- Begin submenu
									=================== -->
									<li class="tt-submenu-wrap">
										<a href="#0">Gallery</a>
										<ul class="tt-submenu">

											<!-- Begin submenu
											=================== -->
											<li class="tt-submenu-wrap">
												<a href="#0">Gallery Carousel</a>
												<ul class="tt-submenu">
													<li><a href="gallery-single-carousel.html">Carousel Default</a></li>
													<li><a href="gallery-single-carousel-2.html">Carousel + Info</a></li>
													<li><a href="gallery-single-carousel-center.html">Carousel Center</a></li>
												</ul> <!-- /.tt-submenu -->
											<!-- End submenu -->

											<!-- Begin submenu
											=================== -->
											<li class="tt-submenu-wrap">
												<a href="#0">Gallery Grid</a>
												<ul class="tt-submenu">
													<li><a href="gallery-single-grid.html">Grid Default</a></li>
													<li><a href="gallery-single-grid-2.html">Grid 2</a></li>
													<li><a href="gallery-single-grid-cropped.html">Grid Cropped</a></li>
													<li><a href="gallery-single-grid-fluid.html">Grid Fluid</a></li>
													<li><a href="gallery-single-grid-fluid-2.html">Grid Fluid 2</a></li>
													<li><a href="gallery-single-grid-fluid-2-cropped.html">Grid Fluid 2 Cropped</a></li>
													<li><a href="gallery-single-grid-fluid-3.html">Grid Fluid 3</a></li>
													<li><a href="gallery-single-grid-fluid-3-cropped.html">Grid Fluid 3 Cropped</a></li>
													<li><a href="gallery-single-grid-simple.html">Grid Simple</a></li>
												</ul> <!-- /.tt-submenu -->
											<!-- End submenu -->

											<!-- Begin submenu
											=================== -->
											<li class="tt-submenu-wrap">
												<a href="#0">Gallery + Sidebar</a>
												<ul class="tt-submenu">
													<li><a href="gallery-single-sidebar-left.html">Sidebar Left</a></li>
													<li><a href="gallery-single-sidebar-left-simple.html">Sidebar Left Simple</a></li>
													<li><a href="gallery-single-sidebar-right.html">Sidebar Right</a></li>
													<li><a href="gallery-single-sidebar-right-simple.html">Sidebar Right Simple</a></li>
												</ul> <!-- /.tt-submenu -->
											<!-- End submenu -->

											<!-- Begin submenu
											=================== -->
											<li class="tt-submenu-wrap">
												<a href="#0">Gallery Styles</a>
												<ul class="tt-submenu">
													<li><a href="gallery-single-grid-style-default.html">Default</a></li>
													<li><a href="gallery-single-grid-style-colored.html">Colored</a></li>
													<li><a href="gallery-single-grid-style-zoom-only.html">Zoom Only</a></li>
												</ul> <!-- /.tt-submenu -->
											<!-- End submenu -->

										</ul> <!-- /.tt-submenu -->
									<!-- End submenu -->

									<!-- Begin submenu
									=================== -->
									<li class="tt-submenu-wrap">
										<a href="#0">Categories</a>
										<ul class="tt-submenu">
											<li><a href="categories-carousel.html">Carousel</a></li>
											<li><a href="categories-grid.html">Grid</a></li>
											<li><a href="categories-grid-fluid.html">Grid Fluid</a></li>
											<li><a href="categories-grid-fluid-2.html">Grid Fluid 2</a></li>
											<li><a href="categories-grid-fluid-3.html">Grid Fluid 3</a></li>
										</ul> <!-- /.tt-submenu -->
									<!-- End submenu -->

								</ul> <!-- /.tt-submenu -->
							<!-- End submenu (sub-master) -->

							<!-- Begin submenu (submenu master)
							==================================== -->
							<li class="tt-submenu-wrap tt-submenu-master">
								<a href="#0">Blog</a>
								<ul class="tt-submenu">

									<!-- Begin submenu
									=================== -->
									<li class="tt-submenu-wrap">
										<a href="#0">Blog List</a>
										<ul class="tt-submenu">
											<li><a href="blog-list-classic.html">Classic</a></li>
											<li><a href="blog-list-simple.html">Classic Simple</a></li>
											<li><a href="blog-list-grid.html">Grid</a></li>
											<li><a href="blog-list-grid-fluid.html">Grid Fluid</a></li>
											<li><a href="blog-list-grid-no-sidebar.html">Grid No Sidebar</a></li>
										</ul> <!-- /.tt-submenu -->
									<!-- End submenu -->

									<!-- Begin submenu
									=================== -->
									<li class="tt-submenu-wrap">
										<a href="#0">Blog Single Post</a>
										<ul class="tt-submenu">
											<li><a href="blog-single.html">Default</a></li>
											<li><a href="blog-single-alter.html">Alternate</a></li>
											<li><a href="blog-single-simple.html">Simple</a></li>
										</ul> <!-- /.tt-submenu -->
									<!-- End submenu -->

									<!-- Begin submenu
									=================== -->
									<li class="tt-submenu-wrap">
										<a href="#0">Blog Archive</a>
										<ul class="tt-submenu">
											<li><a href="blog-archive.html">Archive Default</a></li>
											<li><a href="blog-archive-2.html">Archive Classic</a></li>
											<li><a href="blog-archive-3.html">Archive Grid</a></li>
										</ul> <!-- /.tt-submenu -->
									<!-- End submenu -->

								</ul> <!-- /.tt-submenu -->
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							<!-- Begin submenu (submenu master)
							==================================== -->
							<li class="tt-submenu-wrap tt-submenu-master">
								<a href="#0">Contact</a>
								<ul class="tt-submenu">
									<li><a href="contact.html">Contact Default</a></li>
									<li><a href="contact-fluid.html">Contact Fluid</a></li>
									<li><a href="contact-simple.html">Contact Simple</a></li>
								</ul> <!-- /.tt-submenu -->
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							<!-- Begin submenu (submenu master)
							==================================== -->
							<li class="tt-submenu-wrap tt-submenu-master">
								<a href="#0">More</a>
								<ul class="tt-submenu">

									<!-- Begin submenu
									=================== -->
									<li class="tt-submenu-wrap">
										<a href="#0">Dummy Pages</a>
										<ul class="tt-submenu">
											<li><a href="page-dummy-classic.html">No Sidebar</a></li>
											<li><a href="page-dummy-classic-sidebar-left.html">Sidebar Left</a></li>
											<li><a href="page-dummy-classic-sidebar-right.html">Sidebar Right</a></li>
											<li><a href="page-dummy-modern.html">Modern</a></li>
										</ul> <!-- /.tt-submenu -->
									<!-- End submenu -->

									<li><a href="page-404.html">404 Error</a></li>
									<li><a href="page-404-2.html">404 Error 2</a></li>
									<li><a href="page-faq.html">FAQ</a></li>
									<li><a href="page-pricing.html">Pricing</a></li>
									<li><a href="search-results.html">Search Results</a></li>
									<li><a href="page-password.html">Password Protected</a></li>
									<li><a href="footer-styles.html">Footer Styles</a></li>
								</ul> <!-- /.tt-submenu -->
							<!-- End submenu (sub-master) -->

						</ul> <!-- /.tt-menu-nav -->
					</div> <!-- /.tt-menu-collapse -->

				<!-- End main menu -->

			<!-- End header inner -->

		<!-- End header -->

		<!-- *************************************
		*********** Begin body content *********** 
		************************************** -->
		<div id="body-content">

			<!-- ========================
			///// Begin page header /////
			* Use classes "ph-xs", "ph-sm", "ph-lg" or "ph-xlg" to set page header size.
			* Use class "ph-center" or "ph-right" to align page header caption.
			<section id="page-header" class="ph-xlg">

				<!-- Begin page header image 
				* Use class "parallax-bg-1" up to "parallax-bg-6" to enable background image parallax effect.
				* Use class "fade-out-scroll-3" to enable fade out effect if page scroll.
				* Use class "hide-ph-image" to hide page header image without removing the code.
				<div class="page-header-image parallax-bg-3 bg-image" style="background-image: url(assets/img/misc/page-header-bg-19.jpg);">
					<!-- Element cover 
					* You can use prepared background transparent classes depends on brightness of your page header image. More info: file "helper.css".
					<div class="cover bg-transparent-5-dark"></div>
				<!-- End page header image -->

				<!-- Begin page header inner -->
				<div class="page-header-inner tt-wrap">

					<!-- Begin page header caption 
					* Use classes "ph-caption-xs", "ph-caption-sm", "ph-caption-lg" or "ph-caption-xlg" to set page header size.
					* Use class "parallax-1" up to "parallax-6" to enable parallax effect.
					* Use class "fade-out-scroll-1" up to "fade-out-scroll-6" to enable fade out effect if page scroll.
					<div class="page-header-caption ph-caption-xlg parallax-5 fade-out-scroll-4">
						<h3 class="page-header-subtitle">Browsing Category:</h3>
						<h1 class="page-header-title">Outdoor</h1>
						<hr class="hr-short">
					<!-- End page header caption -->

				<!-- End page header inner -->

			<!-- End page header -->

			<!-- =================================
			///// Begin gallery list section /////
			================================== -->
			<section id="gallery-list-section">
				<div class="isotope-wrap"> <!-- add/remove class "tt-wrap" to enable/disable element boxed layout (class "tt-boxed" is required in <body> tag! ) -->
					<!-- Begin isotope
					* Use class "gutter-1", "gutter-2" or "gutter-3" to add more space between items.
					* Use class "col-1", "col-2", "col-3", "col-4", "col-5" or "col-6" for columns.
					<div class="isotope col-3">

						<!-- Begin isotope items wrap 
						* Use class "gli-alter-1", "gli-alter-2", "gli-alter-3", "gli-alter-4" or "gli-alter-5" to change gallery list item style.
						* Use class "gli-dark" or "gli-colored" to enable colored hover overlay (effect only with default hover overlay and "gli-alter-4", "gli-alter-5" classes!).
						* Use class "gli-frame" to enable image frames.
						<div class="isotope-items-wrap gli-dark gli-alter-4">

							<!-- Grid sizer (do not remove!!!) -->
							<div class="grid-sizer"></div>

							<!-- ===================== 
							/// Begin isotope item ///
							* If you use background image on isotope-item child element, then you need to use class "iso-height-1" or "iso-height-2" to set the item height. If you use simple image tag, then don't use height classes.
							<div class="isotope-item iso-height-1">

								<!-- Begin gallery list item -->
								<div class="gallery-list-item">

									<!-- Begin gallery list item image -->
									<div class="gl-item-image-wrap">

										<!-- Begin gallery list item image inner -->
										<a href="gallery-single-grid-fluid-2.html" class="gl-item-image-inner">
											<div class="gl-item-image bg-image" style="background-image: url(assets/img/gallery/gallery-list/gallery-list-1.jpg); background-position: 50% 50%"></div>
											<span class="gl-item-image-zoom"></span>
										<!-- End gallery list item image inner -->

										<!-- Begin gallery list item meta -->
										<ul class="gli-meta">
												<!-- Begin favorite button -->
												<div class="favorite-btn">
													<div class="fav-inner">
														<div class="icon-heart">
															<span class="icon-heart-empty"></span>
															<span class="icon-heart-filled"></span>
													<div class="fav-count">49</div>
												<!-- End favorite button -->
										<!-- End gallery list item meta -->

									<!-- End gallery list item image -->
									<!-- Begin gallery list item info -->
									<div class="gl-item-info">
										<div class="gl-item-caption">
											<h2 class="gl-item-title"><a href="gallery-single-grid-fluid-2.html">The Old Man Dreams</a></h2>
											<span class="gl-item-category"><a href="albums-archive-fluid-2.html">Outdoor</a></span>
									<!-- End gallery list item info -->

								<!-- End gallery list item -->

							<!-- End isotope item -->

							<!-- ===================== 
							/// Begin isotope item ///
							* If you use background image on isotope-item child element, then you need to use class "iso-height-1" or "iso-height-2" to set the item height. If you use simple image tag, then don't use height classes.
							<div class="isotope-item iso-height-1">

								<!-- Begin gallery list item -->
								<div class="gallery-list-item">

									<!-- Begin gallery list item image -->
									<div class="gl-item-image-wrap">

										<!-- Begin gallery list item image inner -->
										<a href="gallery-single-grid-fluid-2.html" class="gl-item-image-inner">
											<div class="gl-item-image bg-image" style="background-image: url(assets/img/gallery/gallery-list/gallery-list-2.jpg); background-position: 50% 50%"></div>
											<span class="gl-item-image-zoom"></span>
										<!-- End gallery list item image inner -->

										<!-- Begin gallery list item meta -->
										<ul class="gli-meta">
												<!-- Begin favorite button -->
												<div class="favorite-btn">
													<div class="fav-inner">
														<div class="icon-heart">
															<span class="icon-heart-empty"></span>
															<span class="icon-heart-filled"></span>
													<div class="fav-count">85</div>
												<!-- End favorite button -->
										<!-- End gallery list item meta -->

									<!-- End gallery list item image -->
									<!-- Begin gallery list item info -->
									<div class="gl-item-info">
										<div class="gl-item-caption">
											<h2 class="gl-item-title"><a href="gallery-single-grid-fluid-2.html">These Wonderful Freckles</a></h2>
											<span class="gl-item-category"><a href="albums-archive-fluid-2.html">Outdoor</a></span>
									<!-- End gallery list item info -->

								<!-- End gallery list item -->

							<!-- End isotope item -->

							<!-- ===================== 
							/// Begin isotope item ///
							* If you use background image on isotope-item child element, then you need to use class "iso-height-1" or "iso-height-2" to set the item height. If you use simple image tag, then don't use height classes.
							<div class="isotope-item iso-height-1">

								<!-- Begin gallery list item -->
								<div class="gallery-list-item">

									<!-- Begin gallery list item image -->
									<div class="gl-item-image-wrap">

										<!-- Begin gallery list item image inner -->
										<a href="page-password.html" class="gl-item-image-inner">
											<div class="gl-item-image bg-image" style="background-image: url(assets/img/gallery/gallery-list/gallery-list-3.jpg); background-position: 50% 50%"></div>
											<span class="gl-item-image-lock" title="Private Content"><i class="fas fa-lock"></i></span>
										<!-- End gallery list item image inner -->
										<!-- Begin gallery list item meta -->
										<ul class="gli-meta">
												<!-- Begin favorite button -->
												<div class="favorite-btn">
													<div class="fav-inner">
														<div class="icon-heart">
															<span class="icon-heart-empty"></span>
															<span class="icon-heart-filled"></span>
													<div class="fav-count">7</div>
												<!-- End favorite button -->
										<!-- End gallery list item meta -->

									<!-- End gallery list item image -->
									<!-- Begin gallery list item info -->
									<div class="gl-item-info">
										<div class="gl-item-caption">
											<h2 class="gl-item-title"><a href="page-password.html">Paris Fashion Week</a></h2>
											<span class="gl-item-category"><a href="albums-archive-fluid-2.html">Outdoor</a></span>
									<!-- End gallery list item info -->

								<!-- End gallery list item -->

							<!-- End isotope item -->

							<!-- ===================== 
							/// Begin isotope item ///
							* If you use background image on isotope-item child element, then you need to use class "iso-height-1" or "iso-height-2" to set the item height. If you use simple image tag, then don't use height classes.
							<div class="isotope-item iso-height-1">

								<!-- Begin gallery list item -->
								<div class="gallery-list-item">

									<!-- Begin gallery list item image -->
									<div class="gl-item-image-wrap">

										<!-- Begin gallery list item image inner -->
										<a href="gallery-single-grid-fluid-2.html" class="gl-item-image-inner">
											<div class="gl-item-image bg-image" style="background-image: url(assets/img/gallery/gallery-list/gallery-list-4.jpg); background-position: 50% 50%"></div>
											<span class="gl-item-image-zoom"></span>
										<!-- End gallery list item image inner -->

										<!-- Begin gallery list item meta -->
										<ul class="gli-meta">
												<!-- Begin favorite button -->
												<div class="favorite-btn">
													<div class="fav-inner">
														<div class="icon-heart">
															<span class="icon-heart-empty"></span>
															<span class="icon-heart-filled"></span>
													<div class="fav-count">12</div>
												<!-- End favorite button -->
										<!-- End gallery list item meta -->
									<!-- End gallery list item image -->
									<!-- Begin gallery list item info -->
									<div class="gl-item-info">
										<div class="gl-item-caption">
											<h2 class="gl-item-title"><a href="gallery-single-grid-fluid-2.html">Afternoon Photoshoot</a></h2>
											<span class="gl-item-category"><a href="albums-archive-fluid-2.html">Outdoor</a></span>
									<!-- End gallery list item info -->

								<!-- End gallery list item -->

							<!-- End isotope item -->

							<!-- ===================== 
							/// Begin isotope item ///
							* If you use background image on isotope-item child element, then you need to use class "iso-height-1" or "iso-height-2" to set the item height. If you use simple image tag, then don't use height classes.
							<div class="isotope-item iso-height-1">

								<!-- Begin gallery list item -->
								<div class="gallery-list-item">

									<!-- Begin gallery list item image -->
									<div class="gl-item-image-wrap">

										<!-- Begin gallery list item image inner -->
										<a href="page-password.html" class="gl-item-image-inner">
											<div class="gl-item-image bg-image" style="background-image: url(assets/img/gallery/gallery-list/gallery-list-5.jpg); background-position: 50% 50%"></div>
											<span class="gl-item-image-lock" title="Private Content"><i class="fas fa-lock"></i></span>
										<!-- End gallery list item image inner -->

										<!-- Begin gallery list item meta -->
										<ul class="gli-meta">
												<!-- Begin favorite button -->
												<div class="favorite-btn">
													<div class="fav-inner">
														<div class="icon-heart">
															<span class="icon-heart-empty"></span>
															<span class="icon-heart-filled"></span>
													<div class="fav-count">96</div>
												<!-- End favorite button -->
										<!-- End gallery list item meta -->

									<!-- End gallery list item image -->
									<!-- Begin gallery list item info -->
									<div class="gl-item-info">
										<div class="gl-item-caption">
											<h2 class="gl-item-title"><a href="page-password.html">Sit Back and Relax</a></h2>
											<span class="gl-item-category"><a href="albums-archive-fluid-2.html">Outdoor</a></span>
									<!-- End gallery list item info -->

								<!-- End gallery list item -->

							<!-- End isotope item -->

							<!-- ===================== 
							/// Begin isotope item ///
							* If you use background image on isotope-item child element, then you need to use class "iso-height-1" or "iso-height-2" to set the item height. If you use simple image tag, then don't use height classes.
							<div class="isotope-item iso-height-1">

								<!-- Begin gallery list item -->
								<div class="gallery-list-item">

									<!-- Begin gallery list item image -->
									<div class="gl-item-image-wrap">

										<!-- Begin gallery list item image inner -->
										<a href="gallery-single-grid-fluid-2.html" class="gl-item-image-inner">
											<div class="gl-item-image bg-image" style="background-image: url(assets/img/gallery/gallery-list/gallery-list-6.jpg); background-position: 50% 50%"></div>
											<span class="gl-item-image-zoom"></span>
										<!-- End gallery list item image inner -->

										<!-- Begin gallery list item meta -->
										<ul class="gli-meta">
												<!-- Begin favorite button -->
												<div class="favorite-btn">
													<div class="fav-inner">
														<div class="icon-heart">
															<span class="icon-heart-empty"></span>
															<span class="icon-heart-filled"></span>
													<div class="fav-count">56</div>
												<!-- End favorite button -->
										<!-- End gallery list item meta -->

									<!-- End gallery list item image -->
									<!-- Begin gallery list item info -->
									<div class="gl-item-info">
										<div class="gl-item-caption">
											<h2 class="gl-item-title"><a href="gallery-single-grid-fluid-2.html">Something In The Water vol.2</a></h2>
											<span class="gl-item-category"><a href="albums-archive-fluid-2.html">Outdoor</a></span>
									<!-- End gallery list item info -->

								<!-- End gallery list item -->

							<!-- End isotope item -->

							<!-- ===================== 
							/// Begin isotope item ///
							* If you use background image on isotope-item child element, then you need to use class "iso-height-1" or "iso-height-2" to set the item height. If you use simple image tag, then don't use height classes.
							<div class="isotope-item iso-height-1">

								<!-- Begin gallery list item -->
								<div class="gallery-list-item">

									<!-- Begin gallery list item image -->
									<div class="gl-item-image-wrap">

										<!-- Begin gallery list item image inner -->
										<a href="gallery-single-grid-fluid-2.html" class="gl-item-image-inner">
											<div class="gl-item-image bg-image" style="background-image: url(assets/img/gallery/gallery-list/gallery-list-7.jpg); background-position: 50% 50%"></div>
											<span class="gl-item-image-zoom"></span>
										<!-- End gallery list item image inner -->

										<!-- Begin gallery list item meta -->
										<ul class="gli-meta">
												<!-- Begin favorite button -->
												<div class="favorite-btn">
													<div class="fav-inner">
														<div class="icon-heart">
															<span class="icon-heart-empty"></span>
															<span class="icon-heart-filled"></span>
													<div class="fav-count">53</div>
												<!-- End favorite button -->
										<!-- End gallery list item meta -->

									<!-- End gallery list item image -->
									<!-- Begin gallery list item info -->
									<div class="gl-item-info">
										<div class="gl-item-caption">
											<h2 class="gl-item-title"><a href="gallery-single-grid-fluid-2.html">Autumn Nights</a></h2>
											<span class="gl-item-category"><a href="albums-archive-fluid-2.html">Outdoor</a></span>
									<!-- End gallery list item info -->

								<!-- End gallery list item -->

							<!-- End isotope item -->

							<!-- ===================== 
							/// Begin isotope item ///
							* If you use background image on isotope-item child element, then you need to use class "iso-height-1" or "iso-height-2" to set the item height. If you use simple image tag, then don't use height classes.
							<div class="isotope-item iso-height-1">

								<!-- Begin gallery list item -->
								<div class="gallery-list-item">

									<!-- Begin gallery list item image -->
									<div class="gl-item-image-wrap">

										<!-- Begin gallery list item image inner -->
										<a href="gallery-single-grid-fluid-2.html" class="gl-item-image-inner">
											<div class="gl-item-image bg-image" style="background-image: url(assets/img/gallery/gallery-list/gallery-list-8.jpg); background-position: 50% 50%"></div>
											<span class="gl-item-image-zoom"></span>
										<!-- End gallery list item image inner -->

										<!-- Begin gallery list item meta -->
										<ul class="gli-meta">
												<!-- Begin favorite button -->
												<div class="favorite-btn">
													<div class="fav-inner">
														<div class="icon-heart">
															<span class="icon-heart-empty"></span>
															<span class="icon-heart-filled"></span>
													<div class="fav-count">71</div>
												<!-- End favorite button -->
										<!-- End gallery list item meta -->

									<!-- End gallery list item image -->
									<!-- Begin gallery list item info -->
									<div class="gl-item-info">
										<div class="gl-item-caption">
											<h2 class="gl-item-title"><a href="gallery-single-grid-fluid-2.html">Beauty &amp; Fashion</a></h2>
											<span class="gl-item-category"><a href="albums-archive-fluid-2.html">Outdoor</a></span>
									<!-- End gallery list item info -->

								<!-- End gallery list item -->

							<!-- End isotope item -->

							<!-- ===================== 
							/// Begin isotope item ///
							* If you use background image on isotope-item child element, then you need to use class "iso-height-1" or "iso-height-2" to set the item height. If you use simple image tag, then don't use height classes.
							<div class="isotope-item iso-height-1">

								<!-- Begin gallery list item -->
								<div class="gallery-list-item">

									<!-- Begin gallery list item image -->
									<div class="gl-item-image-wrap">

										<!-- Begin gallery list item image inner -->
										<a href="gallery-single-grid-fluid-2.html" class="gl-item-image-inner">
											<div class="gl-item-image bg-image" style="background-image: url(assets/img/gallery/gallery-list/gallery-list-9.jpg); background-position: 50% 50%"></div>
											<span class="gl-item-image-zoom"></span>
										<!-- End gallery list item image inner -->

										<!-- Begin gallery list item meta -->
										<ul class="gli-meta">
												<!-- Begin favorite button -->
												<div class="favorite-btn">
													<div class="fav-inner">
														<div class="icon-heart">
															<span class="icon-heart-empty"></span>
															<span class="icon-heart-filled"></span>
													<div class="fav-count">68</div>
												<!-- End favorite button -->
										<!-- End gallery list item meta -->

									<!-- End gallery list item image -->
									<!-- Begin gallery list item info -->
									<div class="gl-item-info">
										<div class="gl-item-caption">
											<h2 class="gl-item-title"><a href="gallery-single-grid-fluid-2.html">No Colors This Time</a></h2>
											<span class="gl-item-category"><a href="albums-archive-fluid-2.html">Outdoor</a></span>
									<!-- End gallery list item info -->

								<!-- End gallery list item -->

							<!-- End isotope item -->

							<!-- ===================== 
							/// Begin isotope item ///
							* If you use background image on isotope-item child element, then you need to use class "iso-height-1" or "iso-height-2" to set the item height. If you use simple image tag, then don't use height classes.
							<div class="isotope-item iso-height-1">

								<!-- Begin gallery list item -->
								<div class="gallery-list-item">

									<!-- Begin gallery list item image -->
									<div class="gl-item-image-wrap">

										<!-- Begin gallery list item image inner -->
										<a href="gallery-single-grid-fluid-2.html" class="gl-item-image-inner">
											<div class="gl-item-image bg-image" style="background-image: url(assets/img/gallery/gallery-list/gallery-list-10.jpg); background-position: 50% 50%"></div>
											<span class="gl-item-image-zoom"></span>
										<!-- End gallery list item image inner -->

										<!-- Begin gallery list item meta -->
										<ul class="gli-meta">
												<!-- Begin favorite button -->
												<div class="favorite-btn">
													<div class="fav-inner">
														<div class="icon-heart">
															<span class="icon-heart-empty"></span>
															<span class="icon-heart-filled"></span>
													<div class="fav-count">32</div>
												<!-- End favorite button -->
										<!-- End gallery list item meta -->

									<!-- End gallery list item image -->
									<!-- Begin gallery list item info -->
									<div class="gl-item-info">
										<div class="gl-item-caption">
											<h2 class="gl-item-title"><a href="gallery-single-grid-fluid-2.html">Monday's Monochromes</a></h2>
											<span class="gl-item-category"><a href="albums-archive-fluid-2.html">Outdoor</a></span>
									<!-- End gallery list item info -->

								<!-- End gallery list item -->

							<!-- End isotope item -->

							<!-- ===================== 
							/// Begin isotope item ///
							* If you use background image on isotope-item child element, then you need to use class "iso-height-1" or "iso-height-2" to set the item height. If you use simple image tag, then don't use height classes.
							<div class="isotope-item iso-height-1">

								<!-- Begin gallery list item -->
								<div class="gallery-list-item">

									<!-- Begin gallery list item image -->
									<div class="gl-item-image-wrap">

										<!-- Begin gallery list item image inner -->
										<a href="gallery-single-grid-fluid-2.html" class="gl-item-image-inner">
											<div class="gl-item-image bg-image" style="background-image: url(assets/img/gallery/gallery-list/gallery-list-11.jpg); background-position: 50% 50%"></div>
											<span class="gl-item-image-zoom"></span>
										<!-- End gallery list item image inner -->

										<!-- Begin gallery list item meta -->
										<ul class="gli-meta">
												<!-- Begin favorite button -->
												<div class="favorite-btn">
													<div class="fav-inner">
														<div class="icon-heart">
															<span class="icon-heart-empty"></span>
															<span class="icon-heart-filled"></span>
													<div class="fav-count">13</div>
												<!-- End favorite button -->
										<!-- End gallery list item meta -->

									<!-- End gallery list item image -->
									<!-- Begin gallery list item info -->
									<div class="gl-item-info">
										<div class="gl-item-caption">
											<h2 class="gl-item-title"><a href="gallery-single-grid-fluid-2.html">Something In The Water</a></h2>
											<span class="gl-item-category"><a href="albums-archive-fluid-2.html">Outdoor</a></span>
									<!-- End gallery list item info -->

								<!-- End gallery list item -->

							<!-- End isotope item -->

							<!-- ===================== 
							/// Begin isotope item ///
							* If you use background image on isotope-item child element, then you need to use class "iso-height-1" or "iso-height-2" to set the item height. If you use simple image tag, then don't use height classes.
							<div class="isotope-item iso-height-1">

								<!-- Begin gallery list item -->
								<div class="gallery-list-item">

									<!-- Begin gallery list item image -->
									<div class="gl-item-image-wrap">

										<!-- Begin gallery list item image inner -->
										<a href="gallery-single-grid-fluid-2.html" class="gl-item-image-inner">
											<div class="gl-item-image bg-image" style="background-image: url(assets/img/gallery/gallery-list/gallery-list-12.jpg); background-position: 50% 50%"></div>
											<span class="gl-item-image-zoom"></span>
										<!-- End gallery list item image inner -->

										<!-- Begin gallery list item meta -->
										<ul class="gli-meta">
												<!-- Begin favorite button -->
												<div class="favorite-btn">
													<div class="fav-inner">
														<div class="icon-heart">
															<span class="icon-heart-empty"></span>
															<span class="icon-heart-filled"></span>
													<div class="fav-count">11</div>
												<!-- End favorite button -->
										<!-- End gallery list item meta -->

									<!-- End gallery list item image -->
									<!-- Begin gallery list item info -->
									<div class="gl-item-info">
										<div class="gl-item-caption">
											<h2 class="gl-item-title"><a href="gallery-single-grid-fluid-2.html">Beautiful Bride</a></h2>
											<span class="gl-item-category"><a href="albums-archive-fluid-2.html">Outdoor</a></span>
									<!-- End gallery list item info -->

								<!-- End gallery list item -->

							<!-- End isotope item -->

							<!-- ===================== 
							/// Begin isotope item ///
							* If you use background image on isotope-item child element, then you need to use class "iso-height-1" or "iso-height-2" to set the item height. If you use simple image tag, then don't use height classes.
							<div class="isotope-item iso-height-1">

								<!-- Begin gallery list item -->
								<div class="gallery-list-item">

									<!-- Begin gallery list item image -->
									<div class="gl-item-image-wrap">

										<!-- Begin gallery list item image inner -->
										<a href="gallery-single-grid-fluid-2.html" class="gl-item-image-inner">
											<div class="gl-item-image bg-image" style="background-image: url(assets/img/gallery/gallery-list/gallery-list-13.jpg); background-position: 50% 50%"></div>
											<span class="gl-item-image-zoom"></span>
										<!-- End gallery list item image inner -->

										<!-- Begin gallery list item meta -->
										<ul class="gli-meta">
												<!-- Begin favorite button -->
												<div class="favorite-btn">
													<div class="fav-inner">
														<div class="icon-heart">
															<span class="icon-heart-empty"></span>
															<span class="icon-heart-filled"></span>
													<div class="fav-count">7</div>
												<!-- End favorite button -->
										<!-- End gallery list item meta -->

									<!-- End gallery list item image -->
									<!-- Begin gallery list item info -->
									<div class="gl-item-info">
										<div class="gl-item-caption">
											<h2 class="gl-item-title"><a href="gallery-single-grid-fluid-2.html">My Super Awesome Album</a></h2>
											<span class="gl-item-category"><a href="albums-archive-fluid-2.html">Outdoor</a></span>
									<!-- End gallery list item info -->

								<!-- End gallery list item -->

							<!-- End isotope item -->

							<!-- ===================== 
							/// Begin isotope item ///
							* If you use background image on isotope-item child element, then you need to use class "iso-height-1" or "iso-height-2" to set the item height. If you use simple image tag, then don't use height classes.
							<div class="isotope-item iso-height-1">

								<!-- Begin gallery list item -->
								<div class="gallery-list-item">

									<!-- Begin gallery list item image -->
									<div class="gl-item-image-wrap">

										<!-- Begin gallery list item image inner -->
										<a href="gallery-single-grid-fluid-2.html" class="gl-item-image-inner">
											<div class="gl-item-image bg-image" style="background-image: url(assets/img/gallery/gallery-list/gallery-list-14.jpg); background-position: 50% 50%"></div>
											<span class="gl-item-image-zoom"></span>
										<!-- End gallery list item image inner -->

										<!-- Begin gallery list item meta -->
										<ul class="gli-meta">
												<!-- Begin favorite button -->
												<div class="favorite-btn">
													<div class="fav-inner">
														<div class="icon-heart">
															<span class="icon-heart-empty"></span>
															<span class="icon-heart-filled"></span>
													<div class="fav-count">23</div>
												<!-- End favorite button -->
										<!-- End gallery list item meta -->

									<!-- End gallery list item image -->
									<!-- Begin gallery list item info -->
									<div class="gl-item-info">
										<div class="gl-item-caption">
											<h2 class="gl-item-title"><a href="gallery-single-grid-fluid-2.html">One Day Shoot With Ordinary People</a></h2>
											<span class="gl-item-category"><a href="albums-archive-fluid-2.html">Outdoor</a></span>
									<!-- End gallery list item info -->

								<!-- End gallery list item -->

							<!-- End isotope item -->

							<!-- ===================== 
							/// Begin isotope item ///
							* If you use background image on isotope-item child element, then you need to use class "iso-height-1" or "iso-height-2" to set the item height. If you use simple image tag, then don't use height classes.
							<div class="isotope-item iso-height-1">

								<!-- Begin gallery list item -->
								<div class="gallery-list-item">

									<!-- Begin gallery list item image -->
									<div class="gl-item-image-wrap">

										<!-- Begin gallery list item image inner -->
										<a href="gallery-single-grid-fluid-2.html" class="gl-item-image-inner">
											<div class="gl-item-image bg-image" style="background-image: url(assets/img/gallery/gallery-list/gallery-list-15.jpg); background-position: 50% 50%"></div>
											<span class="gl-item-image-zoom"></span>
										<!-- End gallery list item image inner -->

										<!-- Begin gallery list item meta -->
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